Monday, August 30, 2010

Bento Boxes, Russian Hamsters and Kinky Toes

I'm coming to you today without the benefit of coffee, so if I start babbling incoherently about the mother ship or  John Wayne.. just look the other way, kay? I have coffee, I just don't have filters. I could have gotten a cup on the way to work, but T.A.'s boss was working and I feel funny going in for free coffee when he's there, even though he wouldn't care. I have one leftover creamer in my desk from God-Knows-When, so I may partake of the communal office sludge before the morning is over. In the meantime I've got instant Arizona green tea.

T.A. was tickled with her birthday pressies, a Japanese bento box with all the accessories. I think she had already guessed what it was, but she was happy just the same. There were homemade peach pancakes for breakfast (made by T.A. herself) and cupcakes yesterday afternoon. I consumed enough carbs to sustain a small Ethiopian tribe for several days. 

Sometime Saturday I had an outbreak of the hamster pox. Some of you will remember when I had my little Russian Dwarf hamster that I discovered, the hard way, my severe allergy to rodents. Every time I handled her, my eyes would itch, turn blood red and eventually swell shut, exactly what happened Saturday.. except I don't have pet rodents anymore. 

I think I smell a rat.

Therefore, I will be spending the majority of next week's vacation donning a Michael Jackson face mask (not a mask that looks like Michael Jackson, a mask like the one worn by the King o' Pop, lest ye wondered,) and some rubber gloves to tear apart all the kitchen drawers and cabinets, scrubbing their innards and applying new shelf paper. 

Cuz I know how to party like a rock star, ya'll.

Over the weekend, Miss BetteJo, from over at A Bead a Day, suggested that perhaps T.A. and I could embrace our inner entrepreneur and sell our slightly worn delicate underthings on eBay to those patrons of the innerwebs who have an appreciation for such things. I'd like to pretend that I'd be appalled at such a suggestion, but.. ya know.. it might not be a bad idea. Shipping costs for some slightly smelly nylons would be next to nothing and if you can get past thinking what they're going to do with them once they get them... well.. what the hell right? Live and let live I say.

I'll leave you with that thought for the day...

Ya'll have a killer week, we'll talk again soon.

Later Taters!!



Anonymous said...

Well that is a hell of a though to leave on. LOL, but hey, money is money and way you cut it. And that would sure be easy money. Be sure and let me know how that works out for ya.

kenju said...

Let me know if anyone asks for large granny panties. I got 'em.

BetteJo said...

Yep - I still say if somebody wants to buy your socks - as long as you can do the transaction long distance - go for it! :) The kinky one is the buyer, if you ask me.