Friday, July 28, 2006

A Spiffy End to a Hell of a Week

I am so glad this work week is OVER. It's been hell. I'll spare ya'll todays details, just know I got called in the office.

I've been naughty. But, I'm still employed.

Maybe I should change my profile picture from a sweet little panda to a big, angry grizzly.


The Amazon has gone in search of KFC, she had a hankering for some chicken. I really need to go to the grocery store, maybe tomorrow. Ma is acting like I'm starving her to death. Oh, don't worry, I toss a slab of baloney in her room every once in a while. She'll be fine.

I've been digging furiously into this Google blog search issue. When it comes to anything I don't understand, I can't let go until I've exhausted all resources. I went to their help thingie, scoured it endlessly then emailed them for assistance. I got an email back, directing me to their help thingie.

Well duh.

Eventually, I signed up for their new site statistic service, which shows how your site is rated, etc. When I check the "indexing summary" I get this:

This service is unavailable.
Please check back later.

So I reckon one of their little search bots has a broken leg or has crawled under a rock in a drunken stupor or something. I'm going with that theory anyway.

Ain't technology grand?