Friday, July 28, 2006

Of Technical Problems, Panda Nookie and Yes, More Ferguson

Okay, I think I've sorted out my techno problems. It seems that the crawl bots used by search engines don't like Java script, which makes sense because my problems began a couple of weeks ago, at about the time I added Blogrolling to my sidebar.


I'm not convinced that it's totally fixed, but at least I can get it to come up now by searching various terms. I took Blogrolling down and updated my links manually, so if I missed anyone or any of the links are screwed up, just let me know.

I know that I've been dropping the name of a certain late night talk show host like I'd lost my mind, but I was going NUTSO trying to figure this out. Ya'll forgive me, don't ya?

And now, a message for that late night talk show host (I didn't say I was going to stop) :

Dear Craig Ferguson,
There are a couple of reasons why shy, insecure little pandas can't get their freak on. First is the absence of any suitable boy pandas. Okay, technically they could still get freaky alone, but it wouldn't be considered mating. I could elaborate but I don't want to tarnish the pure-as-the-driven-snow reputation I have among my readers.

Second, Mr. Ferguson, you need to stop watching. Is a little privacy too much to ask? I mean, shy, insecure little pandas really don't want an audience while they're doin' the wild thing. And all of that whooping and hollerin' you do, which I'm sure you think is encouraging, only serves to distract the poor little things from the task at hand.


As for the rest of you fine folks, there are dishes calling my name.

Have a good weekend :)


Loner said...

Geez Craig - how can they concentrate with someone WATCHING!!!! This was so so funny!

Bert said...

More and more interesting...