Everything is going to be just fine.
The buzz is compliments of my co-worker, who was tired of hearing me gag, snort, choke and cough so she lobbed a blister pack of pills over the wall at me. Her hubby works for EMS and had "acquired" some medication from the hospital. I took two and later I got really loopy headed. I asked her what it was (I thought it was Tylenol Sinus) and she said, "Oh I don't know, I just know not to take anything he brings home for me."
Thanks for that.
Truthfully, it probably just contained some form of Benedryl, that stuff always makes me woozy.
Craig Ferguson is talking about whipping Chihuahuas. I think Yoda heard him. He looks a little upset.

Okay so, he's only half Chihuahua. But still. I wish I could say the little guy was totally innocent and the sweetest dog on earth, but he's actually a little terror, at least towards the other dogs.

When I can't convince Ozzy to go back to his pen, Yoda turns into psycho mongrel and herds the big guy back in. Poor Ozzy is so laid back, I don't know why he takes so much crap from the little hellion.
Have I stopped making sense? Was I making any to begin with? Maybe I need a nap.
Craig and Cuba Gooding Jr. discussing nookie in the woods. Psst.. did I ever mention that I live right smack dab in the middle of a national forrest? I'm not sure I'd want to be gettin' my freak on out amongst the trees, bugs and assorted wildlife though. I mean, it's been a REALLY REALLY LONG TIME, and beggars can't be choosers, but I'd hate to be picking twigs and pine cones out of my nether regions in the afterglow.
Oh...oh.. oh.. there it is. Pelvic thrusts on the Late Late Show. Only it's Cuba, not Craig. Dang.
This is turning into the sorriest excuse for a blog post ever.
The Amazon is cleaning some gross, toxic juice out of the crisper in the bottom of the fridge. Bless her heart. That's love man.
It's looking like Oscar Meyer Weiners for supper tonight. I don't dare try to do anything more complicated than that.
Awww.. Craig's playing little lamb sounds. One of the guys at work used to call me "widdle wam." He'd sing the whole "*insert name here* had a little lamb" song to me with that baby talk, pseudo speech impediment. He doesn't work there anymore. I can't say that I miss his little serenades.
Okay, I'm boring myself so it must be bad. I'm off to boil weinies, then.. the couch.
Later Taters.
"Oh I don't know, I just know not to take anything he brings home for me."
Oh, nice!
he's actually a little terror, at least towards the other dogs
I thought all Chihuahuas were like that. :)
As for making out in the woods, I'd also be worried about TICKS!!!
And maybe you have to not be loopy to appreciate this post cuz I found it highly amusing. *g*
I found it amusing as well and love the pictures of Yoda and Ozzy, for some reason those names seem to suit them just perfectly.
Glad you are feeling, at least, full from dinner. I think the humidity mixed with a sinus condition super sucks.
Re: the refrigerator pickles...They do taste similar to bread & butter, but the horseradish changes the edge just a little. Making them is easier because you don't cook the cucumbers or as some recipes call for, brine and stir for days.
That recipe makes just a couple of quarts and they are always crispy. I've thrown out I don't know how many jars of uncrispy ones.
I LOVED the bit about picking out pinecones in teh afterglow - uh I have pine trees in my backyard too - also eliminating afterglow in the forest....
This was just too funny.
tori: thanks! And yes, ticks on your girly bits would be a bad thing.
doolittle: don't let the pictures fool you, they're all spoiled rotten.
ac: I'm praying for winter to get here soon.
loner: *snort*
Did you really boil the couch?
uccellina: LOL okay yes, it did sort of sound that way. And no, I didn't boil the couch, although with all the assorted critters who've been making it their bed lately, it probably wouldn't hurt.
Craig who?
craig ferguson is flipping awesome, isn't he?!
I think so, at least...
Nice blog, by the way. I'm a fan of anyone who's a fan of Craig.
- A cheeky wee monkey...;)
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