Friday, May 17, 2013

Cover Me. I'm Going In.

I stopped in town yesterday to ask RonRon the Leprechaun if he'd come check our plumbing. He did such a good job last time and I can't really afford a real plumber.

 I got out of the truck, worked up some courage and approached the scary looking bald-on-top, hair-to-his-waist-in-the-back redhead. "How are you today?" I asked.

He slowly turned, revealing a reddened, puffy face, eyes like slits and a snaggle toothed shit eatin' grin. He lifted his hands to the sky, spread his arms wide and turned his face toward the mountain. Either he was having a religious experience or he was totally roasted.

Maybe I'm being all Judgey McSnootypants but I'm pretty sure he was wasted.

I excused myself and left. I saw him again at lunch today, already nursing a beer, so I decided The Universe was trying to tell me to put on my big girl panties and fix it myself. I had myself worked up to it before I left the office, but then I stopped at the dolla store. Inside, the stench of raw sewage was wafting up and down the aisles. They're on my street. I bet it's everyone. By the time I got home, I'd convinced myself that:

  1. I'm too tired
  2. I already feel like crap on a cracker. I won't elaborate too much, I'll just say that at a certain age, the regularity of one's body's proof of it's ability to breed becomes a royal pain in the ass.
  3. #2 leads to #1
  4. It's too much to tackle after work. I can get T.A. to help me after she gets off at the library tomorrow.
There's a trap about four feet from the road. I have a 20 ft plumber snakey thing. I reckon I can just shove that mutha down there and crank it. If I hit something hard, I've got about 15 ft of black water pipe that T.A. bought to make hoola-hoops with. I can ram that in there too I guess.

Is there a flangey doohickey where our pipe feeds in to the main town line?

This is going to be ugly. I can feel it.

Pray for me. Burn some sage. Dance nekkid in the moonlight around a bonfire and chant whatever the hell you need to in my name.

Tomorrow.. I'm going in.

Later Taters!!!  


kenju said...

I'm praying that you will have good luck and dislodge the plug without having trouble or getting blasted in the face with sludge.

tiff said...

If it's all over town then it's maybe not your problem, but no harm giving it a shot.

The very best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

It's just poop. It'll wash off.

Celia said...

Wear a rubber raincoat kiddo. good luck.

Muffy's Marks said...

you're a brave woman. Good luck!!

BetteJo said...

Hope you had on your body condom!

What happened??