Monday, June 07, 2010

Comfy Couch Taters

It took galavanting all over Greenville, Tennessee Saturday, possibly permanently disfiguring my throbbity gimp toe, getting lost and witnessing a burning bush of biblical proportions down at the Micky D's...

But I bought a couch. AND a love seat. With dual recliners.. in both.

We'll be some laid back couch taters down at the trailer.

I think I got a deal, but who really knows. They're delivering them tomorrow, so I'm going to have to take off half a day today to get the old stuff out of the house and straight to the dump, clean the carpets and give the four legged occupants a stern talking to about wiping their feet and depositing drool on the new upholstery. Yes I know it's futile, but they like to let me pretend I'm in control once in a while.


If I'm going to leave at noon, I need to get my big bootay in gear and get some work done.

Work?.. me?.. I know, crazy right?

Ya'll have an awesometastic Monday. We'll talk again soon, when I can stop to come up for air.

Later Taters!!


tiff said...


Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Your new furniture sounds like bliss to me. May your TV watching days be full of wonder now.

kenju said...

My son has a couch and love seat that recline and they are heaven on earth!! I hope you love yours!

Traci Dolan said...

YAY!!! Here's to reclining with a cold beverage in front of the A/C!