Oh and for the record.. I was here a good 15 minutes this morning before I had already mouthed off to the GM.
The weather's been all kittywampus in the holler the past few days. Last night it snowed and rained ... then snowed.. all evening. This morning the creek's way up and the frog pond over on the vacant lot is oozing out of it's banks. We're still waiting for winter to take hold, the freezing temperatures have been coming in 24 hour spurts before warming back up to the forties and fifties.
I was discussing the weird weather with Buster the other day when he stopped by my cube. We're both in agreement that snakes are going to be crawlin' worse than usual this summer. Buster says they're good eatin' and that we need to capitalize on the tourist trade by opening up a roadside stand, sellin' fried ratt'ler on a stick. He said, "Them tourists would be all over that, like white on rice!"
I pointed out to him that while we do have rattlesnakes here, copperheads and black snakes are more common... and weren't the rattlesnakes a protected species? He said, "Onced you fried up some copperhead and slapped a little Texas Pete on thar, ain't nobuddy gonna know it ain't ratt'ler!"
By the time he got through talking about it, I could feel the hives popping out around my ankles. Too much snake talk does that to me.
Anywho, I'd better get back to work. Ya'll have a good one.
Later Taters!
P.S. Check out my newest design:
I tasted rattlesnake once; in college, when I was being initiated into a sorority. It really is like chicken - but I'll never eat it again.
Maybe you shouldn't bust a gut trying to get your work done in 6 hours, and then the GM would decide to go back to 8 hour schedules?
We thought about that.. the not trying so hard, but the GM specifically warned us not to try to "pull" anything like that.
Well I just read your previous post, and I'm glad you didn't get laid off.
Never had rattlesnake. Tried alligator once at a "fancy" kind of restaurant. Tasted like chicken, from what I can remember.
I like your newest design, since I'm feeling rather vintage lately.
Catching up a little.
My favorite.
Hee-Haw, donkey training, you just cant ask for better entertainment.
K, heres a story.
Ex husband # 4 and #5 got a snake to cook up.
He cut it's head off on the drainboard and knocked it in the sink.
He reached in to get it and the snake head almost got him!
Moral of the story is.....
A Jackasss can still feel the rath of a dead asp.
Ex #4 AND 5? That's amazing, right there.
Mmm, fried snake. Save me the head.
I've heard of decapitated snake heads biting people before.. and that's just wrong. *shiver*
Patti: I'm glad you like the new design. I've got more ideas cookin' on the back burner, be looking for more in the near future.
Um, I've had rattler a couple times when I lived in Arizona...not bad, not great. I'll bet tourists would buy it - serve it on skewers with teriyaki sauce...lol
A decapitated snake head can still bite???? That's just all kinds of wrong right there!
I would be a tourist if I came there and I just don't know if I could chow down on a snake. Just the thought of it makes me kinda throw up in my mouth a little.
Nope - not eating snake no matter what kind it is!
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