Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I've had a very long, very opinionated, riled up post cooking in my head all night long, but I don't want to go there today.


Because today I want to be at peace. Today I want to enjoy the pride welling up inside of me that I am an American born, southern woman who has the right to cast her vote for a citizen of mixed race, with the name Barack Hussein Obama. I want to spend the day reminding myself that it did happen, that he was elected and it wasn't a dream.

I am proud of this country and how far we've come.

I am also proud of Senator John McCain, who's speech last night revealed the man I have admired for so long, the one who, to me, seemed to have gotten lost in all the election hoopla. I saw the man who, during the last election, I heard speak and said, "If he ever runs for president, I'll vote for him."

Having said all that, I'd also like to share that I'm tired. I had to stay up and listen to the speeches last night, after which Mr. G. Bladder, who must have been a McCain supporter, decided to get all pissy, leaving me to walk the floor 'til all hours of the night.

"Nooooo.. Noooo we can't!!!" he groaned as he poked my liver.

"Hush now Mr. G.. Yes.. yes we can.. we did.. it's going to be okay," I answered.. which really ticked him off because then? He started doing the cha-cha, sending waves of flatulent revolt through my nether regions.

So yeah, I've had like.. no real rest. I'm punchy and suffering from sleep deprivation stupidity. Oh yeah and sitting at the Cubicle Asylum listening to the masses throw their hands up and preach about this country full of sinners.

Regardless of who you supported, whether you voted or not, I hope you have a kick ass day.

I'll be over here with my face submerged in my coffee cup, trying not to fall asleep.

Later Taters!


kenju said...

I so heartily agree with you , and I, too, loved McCain's concession speech.

Anonymous said...

If some candidates gave as good of campaign speaches as they do consession speaches, some elections might turn out differently. They need to remember to be to true to them self. A life spent trying to please others, is a life lost in confusion.


Robyn said...

Great post! I agree with you, it's time to put away all the snarkiness and move forward toward peace. McCain gave a humble and gracious speech, much more akin to the McCain we knew before the campaign began. Time for the country to come together united and move forward.

Hope you can get some rest later, my dear!


Jeni said...

So true about both men and especially so, about their speeches last night. I was very impressed with both of them and the extending of olive branches from all directions. Good words for ALL of us to follow too in the days ahead. We are all ONE -unity brings much more in the results column.

BetteJo said...

I wanna know what kind of puppy the girls are gonna get!

tiff said...

Mr G is a Libertarian, I'm guessing. :)

Hope you're feeling better, or are at least on your way home.

Dianne said...

it was quite a night!! thanks so much for stopping by and sharing it with all of us

feel better

A Spot of T said...

There were plenty of people watching it even over here in Canada as well. There are many things where I'll remember where I was that day and this election will be one of them.

Traci Dolan said...

Amen, sista. Amen. My co-worker came in this morning and he said, "So, it wasn't a dream. We really did elect Obama. High five!"