Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted...

...but it wasn't without incident.

I started to chicken out at the last minute. I don't like going anywhere that people gather in the holler.

I sucked it up though. I thought about how I've struggled with my decision over the past few months... how I've gone back and forth.. and how I felt when I made my final decision. I wasn't going to let my social tardedness get in the way.

I've lived here for 13 years (I think) and I still feel like the Creature from Another Planet when I go anywhere that holler residents are gathered. My religion isn't theirs. My politics aren't theirs. My values, my opinions, my views of the world are all strange to them. For the most part, I keep my head down and my mouth shut.

Throughout the work day, I've listened to an Obama supporter say it's the churches that have turned everyone against him here. The "n" word was uttered, along with cries of racism. I listened to a McCain supporter say Obama has "666" tattooed on the back of his head.

I was quiet.

I listened to the menfolk talk about wanting to take Sarah Palin out on one of their yearly hunting trips to Montana. I don't have to tell ya'll where that conversation went.

I kept my mouth shut. I was going to go vote. It was my right. One way or another, I was going to be heard.

When I left the office, I headed straight for the elementary school. I walked to the door. Just outside there was a rotund man with an assortment of stickers and pamphlets sitting at a table.

"How are you this evening?" he inquired.

"Pretty good thanks," I smiled. I could do this.

"Here, let me give you some information on the judges you'll be able to vote for," he said, handing me a piece of paper. I took it from his hand and walked the four or five steps to the door. When I stopped to turn my cell phone off, I glanced at what he'd handed me.

It wasn't information on the judge's race. It was this:

I have it folded to protect my exact location, but you can clearly see that what he handed me was a sample ballot, with all the Republican candidates clearly marked. It was completed on both sides.

Regardless of who you're voting for... is this legal?

Comments welcomed. I know ya'll will keep it civil.


Dianne said...

it can't possibly be legal! now I could get all rant like here but - is it possible that they just took a real ballot and copied it

making them stupid, but not corrupt?

I am trying so hard to be a good person - I think you know me well enough to know how I feel about ignorance and bigotry

not to mention Republicans - oops

anyway - if you want to follow it up e-mail me - I have some links for reporting voter issues.

oh - I've spent my whole life feeling like I was in the wrong place - it all good honey - makes us strong and smart.

I'd start walking with my head held real high :)

Mahala said...

We had electronic voting machines, no paper ballots when I got inside.

kenju said...

Of course that isn't legal and if I were you, I'd have reported him to the local board ASAP.

Unknown said...

I also seriously doubt that what he handed you was legal. Wish my cousin the ELECTION COMMISSIONER was here to see this; she'd pee her pants, but not from laughing.

I've said time and time again that I honestly believe I must be from some other planet, because I sure don't fit in anywhere down here! So you're not alone. But WE wuvs you, and don't you forget it!

Anonymous said...

Two words....Absentee Ballot.

Mahala said...

that is so illegal. You can't do that...you can't wear Obama buttons, you can't wear McCain t-shirts...none of it!
Oh man, ummm...my blood pressure is rising.
Oh Mahala can you imagine...well you can...uh.

Jeni said...

Mahala - check out one of two bloggers on my favorites list -either The Curmudgeon at Second Effort or Dave, at Rather Than Working and then either comment to one of them or send either of them an e-mail about this. Both are attorneys and quite possibly either or both of them could and probably would respond to your questions. Worth a shot ya know. If you would opt to contact Dave, tell him I sent you there.
This thing they gave you sounds really fishy, possibly illegal or maybe I should say probably, but I am no authority for sure on legal issues, especially voting things.

Travel said...

I don't know the law in your state, I served on the board of elections in another state for several years, that would put someone in prison for a very long time in alot of states. The question is if you want to report, or shrug it off as just another issue of living in the sticks. North Carolina is still showing as too close to call (I think that is the state you might live in.)


Misery Index said...

At least the sample ballot was given to you outside the polling place. I think by law they have to be ten feet from the entrance. In Philly, Obama sample ballots were found inside the polling place, and at polling stations.


Anonymous said...

Location is an issue of state law. The one time I was in the tar-heal state on election day, electioneering was allowed right up to the door of the polling place.


BetteJo said...

Yeah, pretty sure they knew it was illegal too - or they would have told you what they were really handing you!

I thought the electronic voting was pretty cool, with the touch screens? I wanted to do it again. And again. Here in the Chicago area we are used to the idea of voting early - and often!!!

Anonymous said...

Technically, I'm a registered Republican (though I assure you I've never voted a straight ticket in my life) and what that guy did is SOOOO illegal. He definitely needs to be reported.

tiff said...

My mouth hung open for about 5 minutes after I saw what the feller did.

If it's not illegal, it ought to be. Damn! "what judges to vote for" my eye!