Monday, November 03, 2008

Religion and Politics.. Almost

Happy Monday Morning!

Let's see... where to begin? I'll just jump in with both feet, ya'll try to keep up.. kay?

There was more church drama in the holler yesterday morning. I reckon Thelma, Louise and their gang of holy rollers converged upon Lulu's congregation of self-proclaimed fuddy duddies where hootin' and a'hollerin' ensued. I'm told that at one point, Thelma jumped up in the middle of the sermon, announcing that she had a song she wanted to sing, leading her to run down the aisle between the pews, taking her place beside the young, visiting preacher and proceeding to belt one out for God.

And I've heard Thelma sing ya'll. There ain't nothing joyful about that noise.

In other news...

I spent most of my weekend curled up on the couch with the dog, crying like it was the end of the world. No idea why. It's not hormones. Nothing is wrong. Or maybe.. nothing is right. I'm still not sure. I think I just had a bad case of the blahs. Or anxiety.

Hell I don't know. Either the feeling has passed or being at work with a change of scenery is what I needed.


I started to write about the election, but I've back spaced over it three times. I get hateful when I discuss politics, so I'm going to let it slide. I will be voting tomorrow. Maybe when it's all over, I will be able to calmly discuss the political roller coaster ride I've been on the past two months.


As for now, I think I'll go for a walk around the building. Kill some time. Get some air.

Ya'll have a great one!

Later Taters!


tiff said...

There's no way you can't write a book about these people.

You could market it in the fiction AND non-fiction sections!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tiff! I think a book about Frog Pond Holler would be a hoot and a half!

Kill some time.

*snicker* I first read that as "Kill someONE." LOL!

Travel said...

Vote for TR, krill in every pot and freedom from leopard seals.


kenju said...

Now there are three of us who think you should write a book! Do it!