Saturday, November 22, 2008

Frozen Disco Snack

It's a brisk Saturday morning in the holler. When I went to bed last night, it had gotten down to 16.5°, but we're currently experiencing balmy, 35° temperatures.

It's just friggen cold.

The Amazon was supposed to leave at 8:30 this morning to start her new, second job ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, but the head bell ringer dude called and told her to wait until 10 o'clock, it was just too cold. He came by and picked her up in a big, long, maroon van, just after I asked her if she was sure he was who he said he was and wasn't going to carry her off and sell her into slavery like I keep hearing about on 20/20.

There's nothing quite like striking just a smidge of fear in the heart of your youngin', just before she climbs in a large, unmarked van with the cute little preacher man... because I'm a good mom like that.

I sang to her all morning, seeing how she had an hour and a half to kill, but she didn't appreciate it. Can you imagine? I told her that someday she'd miss hearing her sweet, old Ma serenading her while she munched on her grilled cheese breakfast.

Anywho... my plans for the weekend include some laundry, some dusting, dish washing and a trip to Wal-Mart for Turkey Day fixin's. I know it's not the politically correct thing to do, spending money at Wal-Mart, but the one grocery store in the county has gone to hell in a hand basket and I can get more food at WallyWorld for the money I've got to spend.

Sometimes survival outweighs social consciousness.

I'll leave ya'll with the song I've been singing to the Amazon so ya'll can imagine me trying to bust a move in my black, Mexican muumuu as I prance around the kitchen, singing to the spatula:

Later Taters!


Mahala said...

Gee thanks, now I can't get the song out of my head!
Have a good and productive Saturday!
Mahala :)

Anonymous said...

lol, i know you taped mr ferguson last night. i was gonna make you an icon that said craig ferguson: apply liberally

Significant Snail said...

It's fun to annoy our children with song isn't it?

I don't think there's any shame in shopping at walmart - I lived in a small town once where only the wealthiest could afford the local shops - the majority would have had nowhere to go if not for walmart. Even now I don't buy as much at the regular store - my budget just doesn't allow it.

Marissa said...

Hey, I can't afford to have a conscience. I shop where it's cheap and convenient. Sorry, dudes.
I annoy my son more often than he annoys me. He begs me to stop singing stupid songs sometimes. I laugh, and then keep on doing it. I'm such a 12 year old.

BetteJo said...

OH NO YOU DON'T!!! As soon as I realized what song that was, I stopped the video! Once you hear that song it doesn't leave you for days and days and days . . .

I can't believe you did that to your daughter!!