Thursday, October 02, 2008

Wipe Out!

It's been crazy at the Asylum this morning.. I mean crazy busy.. not just crazy as in Louise giving advice of a sexual nature. Business isn't up to where it needs to be, but it's nice to have plenty to do for a change.. although it does cut in to my blogging time.

Earlier today, I was working away, earbuds firmly implanted in the sides of my head with the peaceful sounds of Sade and Toni Braxton playing softly. Suddenly, the calm was interrupted by a loud crash coming from across the cubicle wall, followed by banging.. something bouncing across a hard surface and scrambling. At first I thought Bubbles had wiped out. I pictured her in the floor, shirt askew, partially exposing her belly roll, eyes crossed.. one leg bent beneath her, the other stuck in her desk drawer.. a result of the giant block heeled clod hoppers she's been wearing lately.

A kinder, gentler co-worker would have rushed to her aid.

I did not.

Through my stealthy, ninja-like recon skizzles, I discovered that Bubbles never actually hit the floor. The noise I heard was the result of a dildo phone blow out. Apparently, the rubber band she was using to hold the dildo phone together, snapped, smacking Bubbles in the side of the face, momentarily stunning her.. as the phallically reminiscent accessory went flying across her desk, bouncing wildly in to the air. Her desk chair did, for just a second, lose contact with the carpet as she reached for the escaping shoulder rest, nearly causing her to fall over in to the floor, but the wipe out was stopped when her head made contact with the filing cabinet, knocking her chair back in to it's original position.

Moments later Bubbles was spotted walking down the hall.. her hair in a very uncharacteristic state of disarray, her face flushed and with a slight limp.

I did not laugh.. that would not have been kind.

Well.. not until I knew she was out of earshot. I may or may not have called Lulu, giving her a play-by-play.

Anywho.. my lunch break is over. Time to head back to the nuthouse. Ya'll have a great one!

Later Taters!


Me said...

Reading the stories like this makes me want a job. :) I need the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I wish you had it on hidden video! Wonder if Bubbles is going to fix the dildo phone or finally give it up?

Anonymous said...

I might add...reading your blog is like watching a small town soap entertaining!

Significant Snail said...

Things are uncharacteristically quiet at my office and it worries me so thanks for the good laugh!

Travel said...

I need one of those things for my soon to be ex-boss, don't ask why, but I certainly need the comic relief.


Traci Dolan said...

A dildo phone blowout! Wow, we've never had one of those. Would have been funnier had it flown into her mouth. Just sayin'...