Sunday, October 05, 2008

Seeking the Elusvie Nap

Yesterday, I cleaned, I scrubbed, I mopped and vacuumed. I spit shined the trailer from top to bottom. I gave new meaning to the words "elbow grease."

If cleanliness is next to Godliness, then I am surely being nominated for sainthood.

I even super glued the ear back on the ceramic bunny, who has sat, hearing impaired, in front of the fireplace for at least 5 years.

And today.. I am tired. I got up at the butt crack of dawn, before the Amazon left for work. After breakfast I piddled around, moving back and forth, from the computer to the couch. I listened to Ma go on for about thirty minutes about the O.J. Simpson trial, the same conversation we had yesterday and stomped around on the floor, trying in vain to frighten whatever large critter has taken residence under the trailer and is constantly banging it's head in to the ventilation system.

Around noonish, I decided that I needed a nap. I settled down on the couch, flipped the boob tube over to "Top Gear" and closed my eyes. I was just starting to drift off when I heard Ma waddling in to the kitchen. I squeezed my eyes tight, silently praying she was just going after a Coke.

"MAHALA!!! ARE YOU ASLEEP??" she asked, as if anyone could sleep through her yelling in to their right ear without the benefit of consciousness altering drugs.


"Listen.. I need you to run to Wal-Mart," which, by the way, is about 45 minutes west of here. "I need some drawers.. well.. I need to go to the doctor but I'll need some drawers before I make an appointment. I'll give you money for gas. We all need socks too.. it's turning cold. ARE YOU AWAKE OR NOT???"


I agreed to make a Wal-Mart run after the Amazon gets off work. That gives me the rest of the afternoon to squeeze that nap in. Ya'll wish me luck.

Later Taters!


poopie said...


kenju said...

I need a nap, too. With mr. kenju away for the weekend, I cleaned 2 bathrooms and kitchen cabinets all day Sat., finished them this morning, then cleaned the pool and swept the deck, since the pool is going to be closed tomorrow morning. I am exhausted. Thanks God no one asked ME to go to Walmart!!

Eric S. said...

Good luck finding that elusive nap. I recommend ear plugs, and a nearby motel room. LOL

Me said...

Ahhh I hear ya. Yesterday we cleaned and scrubbed and got everything shiny and new looking for a visit from friends from Nashville. Only then there seemed to be a break down in communication between the two 17 year olds planning the trip they didn't end up staying overnight here and had booked a hotel.

In the long run I got a clean house... but this morning I was tired and I had to make a run to the grocery store and the Halloween store.


rennratt said...

Wait. Your mom needed new drawers before she MADE THE APPOINTMENT?


Can you make a trip to Wal Mart for me, too?

BetteJo said...

I managed a nap today. Nice!
Bought some socks on ebay too - now there's a money making opportunity for ya there. I'll be writing about that one soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad you FINALLY got to use that glue, Mahala

MJ said...

Sounds like you've had an interesting weekend. I hope you got to get some shuteye!