Monday, October 06, 2008

Camo Sales, Snake Charmers and Getting Organized

Wal-Mart at 10 o'clock on a Sunday night is scary enough. Walking in to Wal-Mart at 10 o'clock on a Sunday night with a mile long shopping list from Ma and realizing that a. they are in the middle of extensive renovations and b. nothing... and I mean absolutely effing nothing.. is where it used to be, is enough to strike terror in the heart of the most seasoned shopper.

It was nice to see they've moved the firearms and camo fashions closer to the front of the store.

*insert eye roll here*

There were only two things on the list we didn't get. Scott tissues, because they'd roped that section of store off to rip up the floor, and Hannah Montana pencils. I'm hoping that last item was for my trashy big-boobed cousin with the lazy eye's youngin.. or Ma's spending too much time in her room, watching the Disney channel.

The only thing I got for myself was a package of baseball trading card collector sheets and some page separating tabby thingies.

"But Mahala.. baseball trading cards? Really? When did THAT happen?"

There, there dear readers. I've not gone all Sporty Spice on you when ya'll weren't lookin'. I bought the collector sheets in order to create the latest in-thing among the coupon clippin' royalty. When you clip, sort and file as many coupons as I do, regular envelopes or even those little $1 coupon keeper thingies just aren't big enough. For just a couple bucks, you can create the uber coupon sorter. By inserting trading card sheets in a binder (and after 16 years of the Amazon's education, we've got plenty of binders) you can sort more coupons and see what you've got at a glance, instead of standing on the cereal aisle, blocking traffic and pissing off little old ladies while you sort through the stack of money saving goodies you've got stuck in the "breakfast foods" section.

There will be photos when it's done. Some blogs show you pics of naked tattas, sexy moms and prize winning recipes. I'll be showing you my coupon file.

Try to contain your excitement.

In other news...

After my very long, very fulfilling nap yesterday, I got up, washed a few dishes and straightened up a bit with the television playing in the background. It was on the Hitler History channel, some program about the lost writings of Nostradamus (or the newly discovered writings or the writings sorta like the old writings or some chit.) It was on mostly for background noise, half the time I couldn't tell you what's being shown.. but rest assured it's always on.

Anywho.. they were talking about the Anti-Christ and Nostradamus and the end of the world, because as ya'll may have noticed, one need only turn on the boob tube to discover that the sky is falling as we speak.

Is it any wonder that anti-depressants are the most prescribed drug in the U.S.?

As I was saying, they were talking about impending gloom and doom and the predictions thereof, when they mentioned a male child being born.. yadda yadda.. then Sagittarius.. but not Sagittarius and a thirteenth zodiac sign.

Say wut?

Apparently there is a 13th sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus, the snake charmer, that used to be commonly known but through the years has been forgotten. It is associated with healing and is the only sign to be based on a person who actually lived.

"That's all very interesting Mahala, but um... so?"

Well, they had my attention, so I looked old Ophiuchus up on the innerwebs and found that .. low and behold I was born under this sign. That is.. according to the internet... and as ya'll know... if it's on the internet it has to be true.

Did I ever mention that under the Chinese zodiac, I was born in the year of the snake?

And now.. under the "real" zodiac.. under the sign of the snake charmer?

OMG ew.

I don't like snakes. No sir. No way. No how.

Now that I've shared my tales of Wally World, teased you with promises of upcoming exciting photos and expanded your knowledge of the zodiac, I'm going to go do laundry.

Ya'll have an awesome Monday.

Later Taters!


tiff said...

So the real zodiac makes me a Taurus. Not sure I'm a fan. :)

kenju said...

How do you pronounce that new/old sign??
It looks like "Oh f*ck us, to me."

WalMart moved the firearms and camo clothing to the front in honor of Sarah Palin, I bet!

Dianne said...

the coupon binder sounds great!!

BetteJo said...

Consider me enlightened! :)

rennratt said...

My friend B has a coupon binder much like yours.

It is completely fascinating. She also tracks her pantry wares, how often/where the sales track...and how much she saves on average per store.

I can't wait to see what your binder looks like!

MJ said...

Yuck no way, that other Zodiac schedule makes me a Gemini.. I like being a grumpy Cancer crab!

gemmak said...

Lol...Walmart sell firearms???? To a Brit that sounds just so out of this world! heh.