Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chilly Cheeks, Life Decisions and Coochie Ponderings

The colder temperatures have finally taken hold down here in the holler, resulting in an outbreak of cold and allergy symptoms among the masses. It's a boogerlicious snotfest.

It's also the the time of year when we start doing the piss and moan over the lack of heat in the women's potty palace here at the Asylum. We'd all chip in and buy a space heater, but there's no outlet to plug one in and it would probably violate some fire hazard code thingie or somechit. I stopped at Lulu's office this morning, on my way to the bathroom, where this exchange took place:

Me: "Have you been to the potty yet? Is it really cold in there? I'm trying to decide how bad I need to pee."

Lulu: "No, I haven't. I need to, but my tooth started hurting me again last night and now I'm afraid if I go pee, the cold will make it worse."

I gave her an odd look. "Soooo.. you've not been to the bathroom because you have a toothache?"

Lulu: "What? I'M SERIOUS!"

If nothing else, at least we keep each other entertained.

In other news...

I have made a difficult, life altering decision. After careful consideration I've decided that I will no longer color my hair.

"WHAT?? But Mahala.. you can't.. you're only 42.. you're too young to give in to gray hair!!!!"

Settle down chil'ren... it's going to be okay. I've thought about it a lot and I've come to the conclusion that I can't afford to have it professionally hued and coiffed, yet it's just too difficult to accomplish properly on my own. The cheapo dye jobs I've been giving myself are frying it and let's face it.. the shoe polish look doesn't work for anyone.

Unfortunately, I came to this decision after coloring it last weekend, so it's going to take a long time to grow back out.

I'm not even 100% sure what my natural color actually is anymore.. or if there's any of it left. We shall see.

On a slightly different note.. Is it weird that I spend a lot of time worrying/wondering about the size and elasticity of this woman's uterus?

Anywho.. that's all I've got for today. Ya'll have a great one.

Later Taters!


Travel said...

Enjoying the cooler weather, gladly it does not make my teeth hurt.


kenju said...

I guess her uterus is still viable, but I don't know how it can have enough strength and elasticity to hold any more babies!!

terri said...

It's terrible (and funny) the things you make me think about, LOL! I'm seriously wondering about that woman's coochie now! Didn't they name all the kids with names that start with the same letter too? Probably had to start making up names for the last bunch of them.

BetteJo said...

Geez, thanks. I have seen the Duggers before but I just spent 20 minutes perusing all the pics on their website. Like I have time for THAT!

Just recently I put it to a vote on my blog - do I let it go natural again (uh .. my hair) and it came out pretty mixed. Good luck with it. I enjoyed letting mine go pretty gray for a while. Never know - you may look entirely fabulous!

A Spot of T said...

Good luck on the whole hair thing. I let my natural...errr...gray...grow out about 3 years ago and then started dying it again about a year ago. The changes were something else. But the constant coloring is making me slightly insane. And no it's not from the fumes. More like all the time and money it takes and it's like I'm fighting an uphill battle to keep the freaking gray out. I swear I see my hair dresser more then I do my own husband!