Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Buzz Kills, Mystic Thrills and Trick or Treating for Grown Ups

Dang ya'll. It's supposed to be 83° here in the holler today. Could someone please buy Mother Nature a calendar?

Following are a few tidbits, observations and thoughts for today:

Some state highway department Bubba in an orange vest totally flirted with me at the campground store this morning. He said he sure did like my purdy truck.. held the door open for me and everything. I nearly broke out in to song, doing a hillbilly version of Natural Woman:

"Ya'll make me feeeeeel, ya'll make me feeeel, ya'll make me feeeel like a naaaa-tuuur-ul wo-min.. wo-min.."

Then I came to work and had Lulu point out a big wad of makeup on the side of my face and totally buzz-killed my feminine elation. I'll spend the rest of the day wondering if the purdy eyed highway worker was checking out my cosmetic malfunction when I thought he was flirting.


I've been reading "The Secret of Shambahla" by James Redfield, it's part of the "Celestine Prophecy" series. Anywho, this one covers synchronicity and how your negative thoughts can influence your life, etc.

The reason I'm bringing this up is.. well.. ya'll know how much I like using the phrase "festering boil on the left ass cheek?"

Well guess what I have. What? That's too much information? Sorry.. besides Lulu, ya'll are the only friends I've got and believe me.. she's already gotten a very graphic description of everything involved with the fore mentioned blemish.

So deal with it.

Although I'm certain that manifesting large, festering boils wasn't what James Redfield had in mind, I think it's kinda funny.. well.. when I'm not squirming in my office chair.. trying to find a comfortable position. This damned thing is like Mount Vesuvius.


On the way home from the fair Saturday, after we stopped at the Exxon/Subway for dinner, the Amazon and I ran by the grocery store to pick up one or two things (ya know.. milk, bread, enormous over iced cinnamon rolls from the bakery for breakfast Sunday morning.) When I got to the checkout, there was a pile.. nay.. a mound of coupons piled on the counter. The store prints coupons based on what you buy and the information they have stored about you on their computer, but apparently most people don't take them.

"If you see any coupons you want, help yer self. It keeps spittin' them out, but nobody wants the dang things" said the cashier. I'm sure she noticed my drooling at the sight of all of them.

"Can I have them all?" I asked.

The cashier grinned, grabbed a plastic bag and tossed them all in. It was better than trick-or-treating.

Now I need another whole pack of those trading card sheets. I've got coupons coming out of my ears.


Anywho.. I reckon I need to get back to work. Ya'll have an awesome Tuesday. We'll talk again soon!

Later Taters!


poopie said...

"Ya'll make me feel!" Love it love it LOVE IT :)

tiff said...

Ass boils are perfectly sound blogging material. I recommend minig that rich vein of fodder for another several days. A thick coating of vaseline over the affected area might help.

Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

You make me feel, I was humming before I started reading your lyrics. Memorable. Boils, how about happiness and laughter, that could boil over also.


MJ said...


I could totally visualize that singing. That's exactly what my mother would sound like singing it...