Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Humpin' the Snotfest

It's cloudy and gray in the holler today. The gimp eyed weather girl says we'll be getting some cooler temperatures in the next few days. I hope she's right for a change because it's still hotter than a fresh, steaming cow patty on sticky, black asphalt up in this office.

I am not looking fabulous at all. War paint, coiffed hair and attractive clothing are a waste of time when you're walking around sweating, wiping your brow and hiking your britches legs up under your desk.

And my allergies? Oh holy hell.. I'm churning enough snot over here to create my own biological weapons of mass destruction. On top of that, every time I sneeze, someone sprays a half a can of Lysol, irritating my nose even more, causing me to... you guessed it... sneeze more.

Anywho.. enough whining, for the time being.

I reckon I missed all kinds of excitement here at the Asylum Monday. When I visited Bossman's office yesterday to get his signature on some forms, he took one look at me and, out of the blue, said, "Monday was a very bad day." He then went on to vent for several minutes about his jumping all over Thelma and Louise and their taking it out on Bubbles (bless her heart) and how everyone was pissed off at everyone else. After he covered all the nonsense here at the office, he went on to share his home computer stress, repairs he can't get anyone to do and the fact that he's got no ac at home either.

As you may have gathered, the Asylum isn't exactly all sunshine and buttercups lately. As much as I miss getting a full paycheck, I honestly doubt I could stand it for five days straight. When things get rough, we have to do what we can to keep a positive outlook. In an effort to do just that, the Amazon and I have devised a plan to record Bubbles when she gets all wired and.. well.. bubbly.

Which I will post here.

Because I sure as hell don't seem to be selling much and I need something to focus on besides whining about my sweaty girly bits and germtastic snotfest.

Ya'll stay tuned. We'll talk again soon.

Don't forget to hump it.. all day long.

Later Taters!


Anonymous said...

You're one of the few who can say thank gawd for Mondays. Hoping for cooler temps, breezes, and....

some business.


tiff said...

Can you go to the Lyson sprayer's desk and tell them to cram it?

That might make you feel better. :)

MJ said...

Bummer! I have bad allergies too - the screw-the-day-stay-in-bed kind.

It's still hot as Hades here, so I can't wait for some cooler weather.

Hope ya git to feelin' better.

BetteJo said...

It's almost fall. Hold on a bit longer!

Anonymous said...

I'm all sneezy and snooty, too. When does fall come again?

Melissa said...

It can be a financial hardship, but there is a lot to be said for not working 5 days a week. Free time and sanity beats money.