Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Mind of Mahala

On my mind today:
  • Are they going to have someone illegally fill the ac unit with freon one more time? And if they do, will it last through the rest of the hot weather?
  • Is it normal, at the ripe old age of 42, to sit down to run a report, a process you repeat every single working day, and draw a complete blank? To give in and pull out your notes which explain the process, read them and still doubt that they're correct? What's going to happen when I'm 60 if I'm this scatter brained now?
  • Am I really the only person in the entire country who couldn't care less who wins the upcoming election, as long as it just gets the hell over with? I mean, arguing over "lipstick on a pig" on every single network for two days doesn't sound like a bunch of whiny assed brats on the school yard to anyone else?
  • Do celebrities have a right, simply because they're celebrities, to call me a moron for my feelings toward the political process?
  • When the GM stands with the door open and smokes, it's smell drifting down the hall to my nose, is it the same as my going outside and smoking a cigarette? Am I going to end up going through the physical symptoms of withdrawal all over again?

Anywho, that's where my head is this morning. I have to take an early lunch, then spend the afternoon in boring training meetings. At least the meetings are in the other part of the building, where the ac works and is currently set on arctic freeze.

Ya'll have a good one and hang in there, it's almost Friday.

Later Taters!


Anonymous said...

I hit my political saturation point over two years ago. I swear, this election process has been going on FOREVER.

tiff said...

I blame McCain.


I do care about who wins, I really do, but wish it was November already so it would be over with. The mudslinging is getting toxic, and I wish the networks would just STFU already about the asinine things with which they pad their reports.

kenju said...

AMEN to both you and Tiff!

MJ said...

Oh I totally agree with you on just wanting the election to be over with already...

Dianne said...

the brain freeze will pass and get better again. remember now - you started out with far more brain cells than the average person so you'll be OK - you have a surplus so to speak.

I'm 10 years ahead of you. It got better again.

Jack said...

Blanks are normal, but I'm 20 years past you, and still doing fine.

No, you're not the only person who couldn't care less. More than half the people in the US won't vote anyhow. I do care, but I'm also tired of all the bullbleep. I'm also tired of the fact that a job that lasts for four years takes two years to campaign for.

Celebrities in general are already morons, so what they say is already irrelevant.

The GM is a dork.

Unknown said...

I sent you an email about the celebrity calling non voters morons and then saw this post,so ignore it ROFL

My bad ~

I will slink back to the non bloggery wilderness now ....

Mahala said...

It's okies girlie... I got a bunch of emails regarding that celebrities opinions.

I still wub ya.

It'll be all over soon.

tiff said...

Mahala - thought you might enjoy/be alarmed by this:

Hmmm, a pushy Kirby salesman? Say it ain't so!

poopie said...'re not the only one. The whole thing is making me sick and I'm ready for it to be o-v-e-r.

Frank said...

Drawing a blank or having a “senior moment” is a discrete event. The cause is not always age related and should not engender thoughts of mental decline. You probably had similar occurrences before but were young and shrugged it off. That is what you should do now. I will admit such events occur more frequently as you age (I’m 63) but one can hope their frequency will always remain manageable.
Compared to the last presidential election, this one is full of interesting people and events. The choice between John/Palin and Barry/Biden is one of real differences. Barry is a conservative and John is a maverick. Both are honorable men who make our country proud to have produced such quality folks. I have always worked for wages and so will vote for Obama. I think he will help the less fortunate among us who have been neglected far too long.