Monday, September 15, 2008

Hanging In There, One More Day

It's a cloudy, gray morning here in the holler. I've not stuck my head outside, but I can only hope it's cooler than it has been. 92° is just a little too balmy for September, even down here in the bowels of hell the south.

My plans for the day include the bank, the post office (we have a mystery package) and the grocery store. I've had to wait until today to take care of everything because although I got my paycheck Friday, payday isn't technically until today, meaning I had to sign a form promising I wouldn't cash, deposit or otherwise receive funds from my check before this morning.

No.. seriously.

There's also the issue of gas. The Pump n' Go is temporarily shut down while they change owners and is completely out of fuel. That's also where the Amazon works, so she's only racked up about 8 hours pay in the past week.

Things are getting a little sketchy around here.

The two other tiny, family owned country stores out by the state line are also out of gas, due to the panic surrounding the latest hurricanes. From what I've heard, the situation is the same out on the other end of the county where the grocery store is, so I'm trying to hold on to the 1/2 tank I've got for as long as possible.

Anywho, I need to go hunt some granny panties and dry my hair so I can get the grocery shopping over with.

Ya'll have a good Monday and hang in there! We'll get through this.

Later Taters!


Anonymous said...

I sure hope it's 15 degrees cooler. That'd about the only thing that'll salvage the day. Can't decide whether it'd be better for you to be workin'. Nah, that was a DUMB thought.

Sure hope you can find some gas.

Good luck Mahala.

tiff said...

Y'all have gas yet? Around here there were LINES for gas on Friday afternoon, and the prices were rising by the hour. Now, two days later - no lines, and the cost per gallon has dropped 15 cents per.

Hope things start looking up for you really soon.

Significant Snail said...

Wow, signing a promise not to cash your check!! Why do they even give them out then??

Good luck with the gas issue..we still have many stations out of gas. I see the price of a barrel has long before we see a break? Oops, just kidding - what was I thinking?

terri said...

92 degrees? Damn. I woke up to 51 and reports of highs in the 60s. That's cool even for MN this time of year!

I had to laugh at the comment you left me about your dream! Hey - it could happen! Sometimes I think whatever it takes to get me out of this godforsaken state....

Traci Dolan said...

Things are getting a little sketchy here too, Mahala. More than a little sketchy that's for sure.

BetteJo said...

Pretend you're up here Chicago way - it's 60 degrees at 7:00 pm and I'm about to turn on the space heater at my feet.

kenju said...

Sketchy here too, Mahala. I haven't worked at all in Sept. :-/