Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kittywampus Schedules and Craig Ferguson, The Manly Man

One more meeting, then this week long exercise in bullshit productivity improvement will be over. I want ya'll to know that I can not WAIT for that moment. My schedule is all to hell. Getting up at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow will feel like sleeping in. I've been getting home at 3:30 in the afternoons, but considering my near coma-like level of consciousness, it's not really a bonus.

Adding insult to injury, I have had to look at myself on video. The cringe factor of such a display is enough to make me want to gouge my eyes out with a plastic spork. Oh yes.. and the still photos of yours truly, with hair in various stages of disarray, perspiration dripping from my being in a tres indelicate manner, only adds to the trauma.

Tomorrow my schedule goes back to normal and Bubbles is off. Tomorrow will be a good day.. if I make it until then.

When I join you tomorrow, we'll tackle some of the burning questions from this past week. We'll explore how painting a machine increases productivity. We'll discover who came up with this Japanese "training" malarkey and most of all, we'll try to find out why I've been doing machine maintenance for the past three days and calling it an "Alakazam!" project.

Yes.. our corporate office paid the equivalent of six times my yearly salary to implement this program within our company.

But I have to work short weeks to make ends meet.


Hopefully I can get back on track tomorrow.

Oh and by the way, with my post the other day on my attraction to less burly, more girly men, I did not mean to imply in any way that the UBER masculine Craig Ferguson fell in to that category. I mean, I'm sure we can all agree that he positively OOZES testosterone.

I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.

*insert eyeroll*


Ya'll be good. I'll see ya tomorrow.

Later Taters!


Significant Snail said...

Next year they can just pay you all a bonus and that will improve production and morale!

Anonymous said...

I want to become that overpaid expert!


tiff said...

Craiggers? Masculine?

I sense sarcasm at work...but still, he's dreamy. Seems like he'd be hella fun in bed.

Cannot WAIT to find out what the alakazam is supposed to have been gittn' y'all. Those consultants make the shizz dough.

Mahala said...

Snail.. oh that won't ever happen lol.

DG.. Me and you both!!

tiff.. He does seem "fun" doesn't he?

BetteJo said...

I never put the girly-man post and Craig Ferguson together! Hmm.

Traci Dolan said...

I'm all excited Mahala! I've been invited to a Melungeon meetin'! I'll blog about it soon.

Anonymous said...

Every time you write about Craig Ferguson it reminds me once again how little I watch him. Not that I don't like him, that's not it. But I can never find him here on our channels. Damn TV.

Me said...

I say you post the video and let us see you in training action! :)