Dang.. who broke the internet? Blogger was all boogered up, Statcounter died... someone's grounded.
I'll bet some of ya'll didn't know I had an artsy fartsy side, did ya? My latest TwistedMare project is the image at the left, "Forgotten Angel."
"But Mahala," I hear you say, "taking a photograph hardly qualifies you as artsy fartsy."
Very true, but you see, I not only took the photograph, I stenciled the sweet angel face on a terra cotta pot years ago. It's been sitting outside in the weather, getting all textured and cool, just so that someday it could be featured on products in my online shop.
Okay, I didn't really plan it that way, but I did paint it. I even gave Bubbles one one of the pots as a gift way back when.
No chit.
Adding the new product line was how I spent a big chunk of my Sunday. I can't begin to even express how huge a difference the RAM upgrade made on my computer. PS didn't crash. I didn't have to restart my computer 37 times, things went so much smoother. I'm slowly getting over the guilt of having spent a big chunk of change on it, after wrongly assuming I was getting my stimulus check that week.
Speaking of which... I haven't seen hide nor hair of any check. I've not even gotten a letter saying I was eligible.
Mahala needs stimulation ya'll.
Anywho, Blogger being down this morning has thrown me all off schedule, so I'd better get back to work.
Ya'll have a good 'un!
Later Taters!
Hey! Pretty!!
And yay for reaping the benefits of your new 'puter purchase. Isn't it nice when something has instant payoff?
Thanks :) And yes, it is nice when a plan actually works out.
Glad to hear the pup made it home btw, I'd missed the update!
that's beautiful mahala!
You have it on a t-shirt?
(why don't I just go freakin' check! - sometimes I annoy myself)
I haven't tried photos on t-shirts.. do you think it would fly?
Why not? It's a really pretty image you captured there. :)
I got my letter telling me I'll be stimulated on the 6th. Your day will come! er, I mean um , your check is in the mail don't worry.
Since you and I are on the 'same page' re; the check (our numbers fall in the same category) - I can second the date given to you above... the week of June 6th. I got my 'notice' letter yesterday (Monday).
I'd buy a T with that photo on it Mahala - it's beautiful
That's so pretty. I bet it would look good on a t-shirt. Wait a minute. Everybody else said the same thing! So I concur. It would look great on a t-shirt.
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