Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ice Packs, Vipers and Visions of Festus

Ya know, typing with an ice pack draped across your hand takes talent.

I've felt like crap for the past few days, nothing to be concerned about. It's just the onset of hormonal cycles (ahem.. how's that for tact?) causing my FMF to go into over drive. The back of my right hand feels like it should have a huge, black bruise on it and it's quite swollen. It looks like an inflated rubber glove. I hated to go ask for the ice pack, I always feel like the office hens will think I'm just fishing for sympathy, but I couldn't stand it anymore. It's no huge deal, I know that it will only last a day or two.

It finally rained last night. I mean really rained.. hard. When I left the house this morning I noticed a fresher scent in the air. The creek was no longer a few puddles in a ditch, it was flowing down the mountain and into town, breathing life back into everything. The weather gurus on the local news station keep saying it isn't enough, that we'll need a lot more to do any good, always looking for the negative side of things. If we'd gotten it all at one time, they would have been shouting flood warnings and hopping on the gloom and doom bandwagon.

I'm thankful for what we got.

Here at the asylum, I've still got the same old cubicle. I'm waiting patiently to see some evidence of change. A nail driven, a board brought down and propped up against the wall, one of the maintenance guys showing their face.... something.

For some reason, Lulu felt she had to call me Festus all day yesterday. Somehow it spread to the other plant and I got emails from the Cutie Patootie (formerly mine and Lulu's supervisor.. back when I was in accounting) addressed to Festus.

I really hope it doesn't stick. It's hard to feel like a sexy-hot-mama when everyone's calling you Festus.

I'm going to go find something to do now. The hens are across the hall talking about someone. They have no idea how loud the "PSSS PSSS PSSS" is when they're all over there whispering. It sounds like a pit of venomous vipers.

Later Taters!!


kenju said...

Festus?? What the heck brought that on?

Jeni said...

Wasn't Festus Matt Dillon's gimpy deputy? Are you considered part of management's "law enforcement?"

poopie said...

Try being a sexy hot mama when your name is Poopie.

Unknown said...

Festus!!!???? Stab the person who came up with that one in the head with a No 2 pencil forthwith.