Thursday, October 25, 2007

Birthday Parties for the Socially Challenged

I was going to attempt to talk about something other than the office hens and their antics this morning, but dang, some things you just have to share.

Back at the beginning of October, our part time personnel manager called from her office at the other plant. She would be down with us the next day and her records showed it would be Tiny's birthday. She had Thelma and Louise calling around to everyone to tell them to bring goodies for a little office party in celebration.

We (Thelma, Louise, Lulu and myself) wondered why Tiny's birthday was so important. We usually just brought a cake on people's birthdays and that was that. We're all old and fat and constantly dieting, so even the occasional cake wasn't really a good idea. Thelma and Louise, being the high strung excitable types, took it to extremes and decided that we weren't going to celebrate birthdays at all anymore, that they didn't care for Tiny much anyway and they'd rather just not have anything to do with anyone.

Lulu and I agreed that we didn't need to be eating all that junk, but that if personnel wanted to bring a cake, that was up to them.

Fast forward to the present. Yesterday was Thelma's birthday. Louise didn't bring her anything or acknowledge it in any way, but when the birthday girl received roses and a balloon from the bubbahubby, Louise felt guilty and decided she needed to get cake and ice cream.

That's fine, it's not unusual for them to change gears at the drop of a hat, when it suits their mood. The clincher is....

Louise called Tiny on his cellphone (he wasn't here yet) and had him stop and pick up Thelma's birthday cake and ice cream.

After just a few weeks ago, they'd both pitched such a hellacious fit because the personnel manager wanted to bring him a cake for his birthday.

I swear to Rod Serling.... it's like the Twilight Zone around here.....


Anonymous said...

Well aren't thelma and louise the most tactful things ever...i would like to think that tiny said no, but he's probably a nice person.

Unknown said...

You work with crazy people, I don't know how you stand it!

Jeni said...

Just had to chuckle over this post - reminded me so much of the staff at a restaurant where I slaved for a couple of years. Nothing like having a little continuity present within the staff at one's workplace, is there?