Yesterday.... she said ass.
More specifically, she became very angry and after slamming the phone back into it's cradle, stated that one of our customers was "such a big ass!"
You see, here at the Cubilce Asylum, we're going through a bit of a rough phase. Most communication with our customers consists of informing them that the orders we had scheduled to ship at the end of September might ship by the end of October. This translates in to alot of unhappy campers. Bubbles has an unusual approach to handling these calls. She usually laughs it off, saying things like "Oooops! I guess I lied to you.. I didn't know I was a liar! Ahahahahaha! I better go to church tonight!! Ahahahahahaha! *giggle* My daddy says I wouldn't know the truth if it bit my hind end! Ahahahahahaha!"
Most of our customers have dealt with her long enough that they just go along with it, but needless to say, there is the occasional client, who probably has lots of cash tied up in our product and just does not see the humor in the situation that Bubbles seems to. I guess yesterday, Bubbles was talking to one of those clients and got her little hind end chewed when she laughed and carried on, trying to be cute.
Cracks me up..
Anywho, fellow blogger JaniceNW has awarded me with:

"This award casts a spotlight on bloggers who are just beginning to draw lotsa attention — the equivalent of a song with a bullet on Billboard’s Top 100 chart. Lotsa good posts. Lotsa good buzz. These bloggers are going places in a hurry."
I think this is so cool, thanks JaniceNW! I'd like to pass it along to a couple of people:
Allaban Badr al Din (Something about this blogger might seem familiar.. some of the posts might even seem familiar, from a slightly different view point. Y'all are smart.. you'll figure it out:)
No Accent Yet
Not Much Southern Comfort
That first link is only going to be up for a limited time, for reasons that will become apparent, be forewarned.
I've been working on another writing project, creating a blog spotlighting SecondLife. I realize that most of you probably don't have an interest in the virtual world, but if your curious and want to check it out, ya'll are welcome to stop by SecondSlice.
I'd best go do some actual work now... or take my morning walk. All that linky love took all my mental reserves, I need a break! Ya'll have a good one.
Dontcha just love it when the holier than thou bunch acts like us heatherns?
Congrats on the award! and thanks for the recs.
Ooooooh, I love it! Bubbles is going to hell in a handbasket! Hahahahaha!
Thanks for the linkage!
Pardon me while I hyperventilate at the award.
(wheeze, wheeze wheeze) EeEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Also? You totally deserve it. Not sure if I do. I don't write stories about odd coworkers, don't give out hints about scholarships, don't do much o' nuthin' interesting except talk about myself. And the voices in my head. :> Still, thanks!
poopie, yes it's sad the personal satisfaction I get when they fall by the wayside lol.
kenju, Thanks :)
honeysucklerose, Don't you wish you had a Bubbles in your life?
tiff, girl your blog always cracks me up. :)
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