Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Weather Gods Are All Involved in a Conspiracy Against Me

Good morning ya'll!!

The Weather Channel, the local weather guy Bob, all the radio stations etc. promised me all sorts of frosty precipitation for this morning.

They lied. I got nada. Nary a flake to be seen.


I left straight after work yesterday and drove over into Tennessee for groceries, pseudoephedrine and peedalittle pads for Ma. We were out of everything, it seemed like forever between paydays this time. Why do they always threaten bad weather on the days that I have to brave the grocery store?

Anyways, I've got like.. four monster piles of paperwork on my desk with no end in sight, so I'd better hit the ground running. There may be updates throughout the day as I watch for a flake or two to come drifting down from the sky, although after checking I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that any promising precipitation is long gone to the east of us.

Ya'll be sure and squeeze a kid today, give the old mutt a scratch behind the ear and fix the cat a warm place to curl up.

And be blessed.


Travel said...

Just s few flakes here, and it can stay that way. I really don't need a snow day. I am scheduled to drive down into the mountains for an legal aid office opening tommorow (expect a blizzard in Eastern KY.)

I bought a new cell phone, this one has live weather radar on it and maps, and email, and oh good god will I ever figure out how half of this stuff works. I gave it a nervious breakdown this morning and had to take it in for a "hard reset" (better it then me.)

Take care,


kenju said...

I can't believe we got snow and you didn't. Ours is almost all gone now, though, 'cause it turned into rain and melted most of what had accumulated.

The cats are curled up on an old wadded-up blanket today.

AC said...

The weather disaster hype here was incredible. All the schools canceled the NIGHT BEFORE. We got 12 flakes. While I am beginning to loathe the cold, I wouldn't mind one or two days of the downy flake. I thought you would be covered the way the weather dudes were talking.

Anonymous said...

We had snow flakes for about 5 minutes wed.sleet this morning...guess that's winter in south arkansas..but the flakes were big and pretty...took cocoa outside to see the snow LOL...happy Friday!


poopie said...

I got yer winter right here gypsy gal.