Friday, January 19, 2007

Stress.. Anxiety... AAAAAACKKK

The big boss got his new company car, so his old one is up for grabs. He slipped me a note with the pricing information this morning and told me I had until Monday before he gave the information to anyone else.

Sometimes it's good to be teacher's pet.

So, is $6341.00 a good price for a 2003 Blazer 4WD? It's got 101,000 miles on it, but the oil has been changed religiously every 3000 miles. I've got a call in to the bank, keep your fingers crossed for me. I should be able to get a car loan on anything less than 5 years old.. right? That's how it used to work I think. I'm thinking, what I save by not smoking should cover the payments. And a Blazer will be big enough to haul my fat ass around after I gain all the weight I'm gonna gain by not smoking. Heh.

I hate to spend money. I hate to be in debt. Hate it hate it hate it. But I need something to drive and I can sell my car to pay off part of it. Besides, when the Amazon comes home in May, she's going to want her van back.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Later Taters


Anonymous said...

I have my fingers crossed for ya..yeah...seems like a pretty good deal...and 4WD is something you need up in the jeep is an '02 I owe a lil over 4700.00 on it. court's car is still going with way over 200k, plus being upside down in a ditch, a deep ditch with water...Teri

Loner said...

you could check the blue book value online - that is often what the bank will look at. I hate spending money, too - but a womans gotta do what a womans gotta do - hope it works out!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good deal to me. And you definitely need it. I've got my fingers crossed for you!!!

Anonymous said...

According to Kelley Blue Book, a Blazer of fair quality (likely has mechanical/cosmetic defects and needs servicing) is about a grand more than what he's asking. But don't tell him that.

I'd take it. If your credit history is good, you're probably looking at payments of 150-175 bucks a month. At least, that's what Daddy was paying when I had my Cavalier.

Me said...

Wow! That's awesome about the truck!!!

If he really did keep the oil changed and didn't treat it rough, you are making out like a bandit because they are selling 2003's at dealerships for about $11,000.

Good Luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes good things fall in our laps! And a good car to have in the snow and mountains.

Anonymous said...

getting out my supersize cauldron to brew you up an irish blessing!


poopie said...

Demand oil change receipts. Big bosses are notorious for not gettin' their secretaries to stop by Jiffy Lube on their lunch hours. I'm just sayin'.

Miz said...

DID YOU GET THE CAR??? Update durn it!!