Thursday, January 18, 2007

Monday Number Four

The other day we had to run the air conditioner here at work. Today we're in the midst of winter storm warnings, threats of ice and freezing rain. I saw on the news this morning that it even snowed a bit in southern California yesterday. I don't normally watch the news in the mornings, choosing instead to begin my day watching the previous night's recording of The Late Late Show with the uber sexy Craig Ferguson. This morning however, that didn't happen. I think I forgot to turn the DVR off before I went to bed. I set the DVR timer, set the sleep timer on the television, turned the volume way down, it's a very complicated affair right before bedtime, just so that I can watch Ferguson wiggle his man buns before breakfast. After I set the timer I have to remember to turn the DVR off, so that it can come back on at the designated time. I think that's what I forgot to do.

I'm such a ditz sometimes.

Yesterday morning, however, I was treated to my favorite character.. Barney Slash. I don't know what it is, exactly, that attracts me to him, other than he reminds me of about three fourths of the men I've dated in years past.

Okay, I have to admit, that's just sad.

Ya'll can see Barney Slash over at the LLS official site on or follow the links in my sidebar.

Oh I almost forgot to mention, Craig Ferguson will be hosting a special airing of The Late Late show from Florida after the Super Bowl. Ya'll check him out.


Moving on...

I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Would someone please make Donald Trump shut the ef up? Now he's got a star on the Walk of Fame??? DEAR GOD WHY???? I'm sorry but that's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. At least when he was sitting in his ivory Trump Tower keeping his mouth shut most of the time, he just seemed like a successful business man with crappy hair. Now, everytime he opens his mouth we're forced to listen to his childish dribble, name calling and whining.

Shut up already. Go roll in your money. We don't give a rats ass.


I think the cloud is slowly lifting. I stopped taking one of my BP meds a couple of days ago to see if that's why I was in this constant fog, unable to stay awake. It seems to have helped. I'm in no way condoning stopping any medications, especially BP meds, without the advice of a physician, although that's exactly what I did.

Do as I say.. not as I do.

I actually came home from work last night, got some housework done and a couple of loads of laundry. I think I'm going to live.


I guess I should get some actual work done. The inbox overfloweth. Ya'll hang in there, it's almost Friday.

Later Taters.


AC said...

I wondered if it was snowing on you. We are just gray and gloomy here. If its not going to snow, I want sunny even if its cold.

My inbox has taxes in it. I'm digging around for my blinders -- don' wanna do them.

Loner said...

1. I had no idea how many movies Craig Ferguson was in - I found a couple on Netflix to watch.
2. your blood pressure could be dropping since you aren't smoking. Usually the fire department has a BP cuff and can check it for you.

Anonymous said...

The stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame just don't mean what they used to, in my opinion. Trump certainly doesn't deserve one.

kenju said...

Trump paid for it, I'm sure. I read somewhere that stars have to pay for that privilege - and I am sure he instigated it. I can't believe anyone alive thinks he deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Amen on trump shutting up! I am sick of him showing up on different shows. You've gotten me hooked on recording Craig, I was always falling asleep and missing most of the show.
It's been dreary and cloudy here for over a week...and COLD!
Take some pics of the snow, all we can get is friggin rain.
Teri :)

Miz said...

If your going to adjust your meds do take your BP, maybe someone has one of the wrist ones they can loan you for a couple of weeks? Or the fire department... somehow?