Friday, October 20, 2006

Bill O'Reilly Wants to Kill Me with a Hand Grenade

According to an article on MSNBC, ol' Bill wants to lob one in to the blogosphere and take us all out. Isn't that sweet? I've never given my opinion on O'Reilly, but I do have one.

Oh yes.

I watched his show once and that was enough for me. I could go on (I really could) but I won't. Here in the south I've learned an important life lesson. If you can't find anything nice to say, just say "Bless his heart."

So Bill darlin', bless your heart. We know you can't help it.

Moving on...

I did the grocery shopping last night, came home, put those things away that needed refrigeration, sat on the couch and the next thing I knew, it was 3a.m. It's a good thing I don't have close neighbors. They probably wouldn't have appreciated my wandering through the backyard in the middle of the night, making my way to the dog lot to feed my very patient and very hungry dog. Poor guy must have thought I'd forgotten him.

I'm thankful it's the weekend. After dinner is cooked and I've taken care of a few things, hopefully I can come up with something witty to talk about. That is, of course, if I don't fall asleep again.

Later Taters.


Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams, you deserve a nice restful weekend.


Loner said...

I used to say "bless his soul" but I love how people say 'bless his heart" here - just tickles me - like when they say 'Oh, I'm fine as frog hair." People can be so cute.

Mahala said...

Thanks DG :)

loner: Down here it's "fine as frog hair split three ways."