Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Another Day, Another Buck Fifty Eight

I made it through another day. HOOO ray.

No word from Wendel, but tensions are running high at the office. We now have a security keypad lock on the front door and the poor folks out on the floor are forbidden to open any out there. It's like being in prison. We're locked up, but Wendel is running amuck.

Something doesn't smell right to me.

The powers that be at our office are famous for poo-pooing any concerns the rest of us have. The fact that they're being so over-the-top with security makes me wonder if they know more than they're telling us. They had a door open out in shipping this afternoon when it had gotten really warm, which prompted an immediate mandatory meeting of all employees. It was absolutely forbidden to have any doors open and if you exited the building and failed to secure the door after you left, even if it was to just go to your car to get something, you would be written up.

Oh it's gettin' a little nutty at the O.K. Corral.

Enough of that... next topic.

A few months ago I stumbled upon an article about an online community of sorts called "Second Life." I've always been curious about the "Sims" type games, but I've kept my distance because, let's face it, I really don't need one more reason to sit on my fat ass butt in front of the computer. This however, had a different twist. It's a virtual world created by the residents. It's not a game, there is no beginning or end. It has it's own economy and from what I've read, you can actually enter into business there with very little investment. The basic account is free, with the only real limitation being that you can't "own" land.

I've read several articles and I've wanted to check it out, but I was cautious. Last night I finally gave in and had my first "Second Life" experience. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm still wandering around in the orientation phase, bumping into people, walking off the edges of cliffs and landing in bushes. You stay there until you feel comfortable enough to move on to the big bad world. It's sad that I enjoy going into a virtual world on a computer screen and sitting on a bench, eavesdropping on other people's conversations. Every so often, some goofball will strip off their clothes (they're not exactly anatomically correct) and go streaking by waving their arms.

Yeah, that's all the excitement I can handle at this point.

Part of what has drawn me is the possibility that I may figure out a way to actually generate some income. I'm not banking on it, but hey, it's worth a shot. That will come later, when I stop flying head first into walls.

Two more days. We'll make it. Friday never looked so good.

Later Taters.


Anonymous said...

It is good to hear from you. Keep the doors locked and your head down. Friday is headed our way.


Anonymous said...

"Second Life" looks fun, but my computer/ISP connection don't meet the minimum requirements. *sigh* Not that I need another excuse to sit at the computer.

Loner said...

someone needs to tag Wendel with a homing beacon - then track him on GPS - I bet all that could be bought on Amazon a lot cheaper than the new keypads.

And my husband FINALLY followed my advice and came over to say hi - after reading the Varsity review. If you get to ATL you totally have to call us.

Anonymous said...

you have to learn to build houses or make special clothes, from what I've seen. It's kind of fun to play with.