Sunday, December 14, 2008

Alien Attacks & Words of Wisdom

It's been a quiet weekend here in the old trailer. The Amazon spent the better part of yesterday and last night over in Big City attending the annual Habitat for Humanity fundraiser concert. When she got up this morning for work, she was still floating along and chattering a mile a minute.

Nothing like a night of live music to put a little spring in your step.

Since the Amazon seems to have found one of those "life" thingies I keep hearing about, I've spent most of my weekend hanging around the house. I re-did my silk wrap nail job, because the last attempt popped off each and every nail last Wednesday morning as I was getting in the shower. The first one nearly smacked me right in the eyeball. I thought I was under attack by tiny little aliens, piloting fingernail shaped space ships.

I've been reading alot too. I picked up another book by Iyanla Van Zant at the library the other day, plus "The Life of Pi." That second one was recommended to me a long time ago. I don't remember who it was or why they thought I should read it, but I figured it was worth a shot. I also had them bring a couple of books over from the main library by Dr. Wayne Dyer, which I picked up Thursday.

I'm gonna be so feckin' self-helped when I get done reading all those words of wisdom, I may not be able to stand myself.

My head's been in a wonky place lately. I've been watching a lot of old movies on TCM and as I type this, I'm listening to the 60's satellite radio station.

I'm not sure why.

The dreams have been really strange too. Last night I watched as a young woman from India courted a man she hoped to marry. She arranged for them to get a reservation in a popular restaurant, somewhere he'd always wanted to go, only to end up witnessing his getting the snot beat out of him once they got there. I think the beating was either racial or due to his "status" in society.. like he had no right to be there.

Tres weirdness.

I'll probably piddle around the house the rest of the day, getting myself mentally prepared for my shopping extravaganza tomorrow. Oh and since I've decided the Amazon probably won't get around to sending me the pictures I took of the parade until like.. Easter.. I thought I'd go to town this afternoon and get some shots of the oh-so-lovely Frog Pond Holler decorations.

Just for you.

I can feel your excitement oozing through my screen. Or maybe I just need a shower.

Ya'll have a Happy Ho-Ho kinda day. We'll talk again soon!

Later Taters.


Travel said...

SOunds like an empty nest that is still full. I am going to take the metro ito the city and see if I can get a picute of the White House Chrsitmas Tree. I put "holiday" light on the balcony railing yesterday.


kenju said...

I like Life of Pi - and you might too. It's a little weird in places, but an interesting concept.

Traci Dolan said...

That's an interesting dream. I'm not sure what it means but it was interesting.

I should put Christmas lights up today since its actually above freezing. I may, I may not. Happy Sunday, M.

Unknown said...


Handbasket to Hell said...

What are you using as your silk adhesive?

Mahala said...

Handbasket to Hell: I bought a kit. It came with brush on glue and a bottle of spray activator. I didn't "rough up" the nail surface before I applied the silk strips last time. They seem to be holding better on this second attempt.