Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hide and Seek

It was a little chilly out this morning, with a nip in the air and a light breeze blowing. It's only supposed to get down in the fifties today, winter really hasn't taken hold here, other than a few short bursts lasting a day or two.

Remember the newspaper drama from last week? I never did call the Big City paper to change my billing. I honestly don't think she brought a paper that day and her five minute long, semi threatening phone message didn't help matters any. So this Sunday? After the Amazon walked from one end of the yard to the other (we have a half acre.. it's alot of ground to cover when you're on a search and rescue mission) in search of the Sunday paper, she found it, not in the yard but on the front porch... hidden behind one of the chairs.

The Amazon was a little snippy over it. I had to laugh.. but I waited until I was out of earshot.

I went to the library yesterday and picked up some reading material. Right now I'm reading "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson because, as ya'll may have noticed, I've been sweating the small stuff, the big stuff and making it all ginormous stuff. I need to get my head under control... it's going all kittywampus like one of those super hi-bouncing balls you get out of the gum ball machine being unleashed in a room, hitting all the walls and ricocheting off every surface.

I picked up two other books too, but at the moment, I couldn't tell you what they were. One was another sort of self-discovery, self-help type thing and the other was some kind of silly Christmas novel. When I get to them, I'll let ya'll know.

Bossman came by my office this morning to inform me that we were having "Harassment and Hostile Workplace" training at 10:30.

Dang. That's the one where they talk about racist comments and religion and all that jazz.

How timely.

I think I'll take the next fifteen minutes to clear my mind, fighting the urge to charge in to that meeting with both barrels blasting.

Ya'll have a peachy freakin' keen Tuesday.. and what the hell.. start humpin' it.. let's get a head start on tomorrow!

Later Taters!


Significant Snail said...

Wow! People have to be trained to harrass and be hostile? It seems to come so naturally to so many..lol!

Sounds like a good opportunity for a nap with your eyes open.

kenju said...

Comes easy to me, I know!

Mahala, please come back and tell us about the meeting. I'm breathless with anticipation!

Traci Dolan said...

I, too, am breathless with anticipation! I also hope I get a head start on hump day. *Crosses fingers*

Travel said...

If I can find a new job, anyone can. Keep looking!


A Spot of T said...

The meeting is over by now. Hope it went well though and you spoke your peace.

Jessica said...

Good Lawd! I wish I could have been at the meeting with you.

I'm hoping Bubbles brought up the hostility of crotch rot.