Thursday, September 25, 2008

When All Else Fails...

I started this post like.. five times and deleted it. I don't want to whine, bitch and complain... ya know.. being a big, festering Negative Nancy on the left butt cheek of the blogosphere, but I'm having a hard time coming up with anything else. I mean.. Bubbles is being bubbly, Lulu is in a pissy mood and since I dozed off before eight o'clock last night, I honestly don't have a clue what's going on at my house.

Luckily, MJ over at Note to Self tagged me with a meme, just in time.

4 things I did today:
*Got up (Isn't that enough?)
*Sent some dude in Puerto Rico a sappy bait letter with company information, in an attempt to generate some new business. I feel so cheap.
*Rolled my eyes and sighed heavily no less than 158 times
*Suddenly realized, about ten minutes ago, that tomorrow is Friday.

4 things on my to do list:
*Figure out a way to make some extra $$$. Too bad Dubya's step daughter across the road has dibs on the local sex trade market.. but then.. I reckon I can't really expect to sell what I can't give away.
*Repot my office plants, which have been sitting on my front porch for about a month.
*Fix the passenger side mirror on the truck
*Wash both the truck and the Boston Baked Beagle

4 of my guiltiest pleasures:
*Daydreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon
*Anything with thick, gooey, melted cheese
*Listening to the Hard Rock station at through earbuds at work
*Riding around, taking pictures

4 random facts about me:
*I'm nothing like you think I'd be in person
*I once got drunk with friends, members of an all girl metal band called "Armageddon" and stood on the balcony of the Pine Crest hotel at Ocean View in Norfolk, Virginia, singing "Lord won't you buy me.. a Mercedes Benz" at the top of my lungs at 4 a.m.
*I never really "got" The Beatles
*Driving on old, country roads scares the hell out of me, but put me in rush hour traffic in the middle of a big city and I can finally breathe again.

4 bloggers I'm tagging:
*As I've said before, I feel weird tagging others, but if you want to grab this one, let me know in the comments and I'll send a little linky love your way.

Ya'll have a good one.. and remember.. when you get to the end of your rope, just tie a knot and hang on. It's almost Friday, we've almost got this one licked.

Later Taters


Unknown said... Meme me baby! lol

Anonymous said...

Would like to see _4 random reasons_ to believe this:

"I'm nothing like you think I'd be in person"

Save it for a time when you got no mojo :*)

tiff said...

So, you're no fun at all in person? Because I think you'd be pretty dang fun to hang out with. :)

kenju said...

You never "got" The Beatles? WOW. We don't have that in common.

Traci Dolan said...

I laughed out loud when I read: "I reckon I can't really expect to sell what I can't give away."

That is so me!

See, everyone tells me I'm exactly like I am on my blog, just funner, especially when I get drunk on tequila.

I'll drive on the country roads, you drive in the city... we're perfect road trip pals.

I used to listen to Pandora!

I love cheese!

I'm afraid to stop and take pictures cuz peeps might shoot at me, but I still like it.

I like daydreaming of Afternoon Delight, actually, any delight, at any time.

Traci Dolan said...

Okay, I did it.

A Spot of T said...

"I'm nothing like you think I'd be in person". Well damn. I thought you'd be the kind of person I could invite over, have a sit down on my deck and have a drink with. Cause I do that a lot and it's always nice to have company. Well ok not a lot but you know. Ok maybe a lot.

MJ said...

Great answers :D

It's finally FRIDAY!

poopie said...

I've been known to belt out Mercedez Benz in my time.