Friday, August 08, 2008

Keep Swimming

The sun is shining bright outside my window this morning. I don't know how warm it is, I've not felt the need to venture out, but it's nice and cool in the trailer. I've got a fresh, hot cup of coffee on my desk and biscuits in the oven.

I'm not sure what my plans are for today, other than housework and bill paying. The rest of my long weekend will be devoted to creating some new designs for TwistedMare. Until now, I've been using my extra time off reworking the designs that haven't produced any sales and making sure they show up in the shopping search engines.

As Dory said in "Finding Nemo," I've just gotta keep swimming.

Around the Asylum...

Bubbles hasn't worn her jeans since the big job cut scare the other day. Honestly, I doubt it was because she saw the error of her ways. I'd venture to guess that someone in authority took her aside and gently suggested that she stop wearing them. Adding to the drama, Tiny, PG and Jasper stopped just outside the sales office yesterday, loudly discussing the GM's firing of the the receptionist at the other plant for "improper attire."

I swear it was a command performance, just for Bubbles.

As I was preparing to leave yesterday, I stopped in Bossman's office to drop off my password information. He wanted to be able to check my email while I was out. While I was there, he mentioned that he'd been talking to our corporate computer/net guru about our website and the discussion he and I had the other day. He said that next week, he was going to be having a conference call with the corporate guy and asked if I'd sit in on the meeting.

It gave me the big head.


I think I'll get dressed, seeing how it's nearly noon. Then I'm going to run the dishwasher, the vacuum and do a load of laundry.

I know.. I can barely contain my excitement. I'm sure ya'll are absolutely beside yourselves hearing all about it.

Enjoy your Friday ya'll.

Later Taters!


tiff said...

Oooo! That website thing? You deserve a case of the Big Head! Go you!

Travel said...

Enjoy the head, you deserve it (get-ur-minds outa the gutter!)

The weather should be nice this weekend, enjoy!


Nanny Goats In Panties said...


Mmmmmm. Can I have one of those bisuits?

Significant Snail said...

Yay for you Mahala! Hopefully this web thing leads to good stuff for you at work! Wish I was off... we are full of drama this week at work.

Jeni said...

Ya know, if this website updating idea of yours takes hold in the higher-ups minds and they decide to go with that, if it saves them even half as much money -gains them extra sales, revenue, etc. - who knows, maybe they'll share a bit of the bonus with you then too! It could happen. Let's face it -it SHOULD happen! And, if it doesn't, you always have that to add to your resume then -a little bit of oomph power in that area never hurts anyone.

BetteJo said...

Oooh I hope you actually get to keep your hand in on that website. That would be so cool! Step outside the norm - and it never hurts to be showing off more talents than they knew you had!

rennratt said...

Here's hoping that the website idea brings your job to bigger and better things!

Congratulations, and good luck!

Dianne said...

you deserve to be involved with the website! kudos to Bossman for realizing that

I hope it adds a new, more lucrative aspect to your job

Ya never know

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the case of the big head. I say if a Bossman notices ANYTHING, then it's cause for celebration. Have a super weekend!