Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Oh My Damn, What Have I Done?


First, Bossman springs it on me that I have to come in an hour earlier than normal (7 a.m. for gawdsake) and only take a 30 minute lunch.


Those "training meetings" I agreed to attend in order to get paid for a full week?

Yeah. My eight hour day consisted of about two hours of "meeting" and six hours of scrubbing down a greasy piece of equipment with glass cleaner and paper towels, outrunning forklifts piloted by crazed rednecks who watch entirely too much NASCAR and spending time with my new best friend, the goat herding-hypochondriac floozy... all in dress shoes and a fabulous red blouse, because that's what you wear to training meetings.

Oh yeah.. and it's hot ya'll.

A moist, gray cloud of funk rises from areas of my person that should never emit so foul an odor. I shall scrub, deodorize and delouse profusely, but I may never be spring time fresh again. I can't promise, but I do intend to come back later with a full report. As for now, I'm going to grab a Coke, put my feet up and watch Oprah.

And possibly faint.

I'll talk to ya'll in a bit.. if'n I don't DIE.

Later Taters


Significant Snail said...

Oh, I'm with you on the foul odor thing. The ac was out at work this morning so it was 85 indoors until they could get it fixed...not a good way to start the day.

BetteJo said...

Hope you don't mind if I side step the both of you. I was there yesterday - cleaning out my garage. But today? Been in the AC all day.

kenju said...

I hope it's gonna get better for you!

Dianne said...

at the big-ass store it was 87 at the register. I pointed it out to management so they took the temp gauge away.

Yep that'll fix it!

Hang in kid

Jeni said...

Hope your scrubbing, deodorizing and delousing regimen was successful for ya and that you are now fresh as a daisy, sweet smelling and sanitary and totally relaxed -ready to go at it again with the training program now, aren't ya?
Good luck there, Kiddo! Maybe the temps will decline just a tad and not create quite as much of the putrid smelly stuff. One can hope, right?

Me said...

Hmph. So I'm assuming you missed the memo about dress shoes and fabulous red blouses????

tiff said...

So the training meetings are 89 hours worth of LABOR? Where the free cheesecake, for Pete's sake?

Oh, and I thought of you when I saw this site:


the take sponsors, and I thought maybe it'd be good press for you. They get somewhere around 400 participants a DAY on that site...

Rhea said...

Hilarious! I have got to go back and read all of your cubicle asylum posts. I hate work!