Friday, July 18, 2008

Germans, Bubbas and Camping Trips

Holy poodle juice.. it's been nuckin' futs up in this office today. I've got orders coming out of my ears, PG is running around like Chicken Little and in the middle of it all, Tiny wants to come in here, put his feet up and "discuss" our "process."

Bubba please.

Anywho, now that everyone else is gone to lunch, I've got all the data entry caught up and I can stop and breathe for a minute or two.


I don't mind being busy, I prefer it. I shouldn't really act all catty and angsty when Bubbles tags a few vacation days on to her mandatory low work days to take off and go camping with her Bubbahubby and the offspring, because those are the only days I really look forward to coming to work.

I do smile as I watch their ginormous camper being towed out of town by their equally ginormous diesel pick-up, because I'm silently hoping she'll get a nasty case of poison oak on her hoo-ha.

When I have days like this one, when everything seems to be going all kittywampus around the sales office, it makes me miss being in the accounting department. I don't miss working for the anal retentive, big headed German, who openly lusted for my bodacious tattas, but I do miss the sense of order and structure.

I HATE having to make judgement calls. When it comes to my job, I can't deal with wishy washy. I need rules. Regulations. Expectations. Just at work though. It must be that strict, private school education where they told us what to wear and made it perfectly clear what was expected.

Or I'm just weird.

Ah well. I'm so glad it's Friday and I've got half of it licked. When it's over, I can look forward to three delightful days of domesticity and family togetherness.

Shoot me now. Please.

Ya'll have a good one.

Later Taters!


Significant Snail said...

"I HATE having to make judgement calls. When it comes to my job, I can't deal with wishy washy. I need rules. Regulations. Expectations. Just at work though. It must be that strict, private school education where they told us what to wear and made it perfectly clear what was expected."

I hear you Mahala, and tell Tiny that the "process" is 'Get out of here now!' LOL

Significant Snail said...

"I HATE having to make judgement calls. When it comes to my job, I can't deal with wishy washy. I need rules. Regulations. Expectations. Just at work though. It must be that strict, private school education where they told us what to wear and made it perfectly clear what was expected."

I hear you Mahala, and tell Tiny that the "process" is 'Get out of here now!' LOL

Significant Snail said...

oops...i doubled..please forgive...

Anonymous said...

Maybe there IS something to that Catholic school upbringing. I am the same way at work. I like everything to be black and white and I want to be able to say that someone else said so!

kenju said...

Uh......poodle juice?

Travel said...

I live in shades of grey and take great delight in telling people the rule is, but you know there are always excpetions, otherwise half of the lawyers would be unemployed.


BetteJo said...

Rules at work are good. We have lots of them. But the thing I hate is when they keep changing them!