I arrived at my desk here at the asylum a few minutes early. I was SO hungry. I took my little bowl out of the bag and began to unscrew the lid.
That's when I saw that something was not quite right.
The milk had curdled, forming a thin layer of a putrid, cottage cheese like substance on top of my oatmeal.
I wrapped the plastic bag tightly around the bowl and stuck it in the far corner of my cubicle. I ended up having to take my chances with breakfast from the Wheel O' Death. I paid $1.25 for a tiny "bacon biscuit," with a sliver of meat that looked more like a dog treat than actual bacon.
If ya'll don't hear from me in the next day or two.. I'm recovering from having my stomach pumped.
Or I'll be out chasing cars.
Things around the asylum are tense. We're all broke. We're all grumpy. Bossman is on a "kicking ass and taking names" type rampage. I'm walking around silently praying that Bubbles will either quit or get laid off.
"Silently" because I'm half ashamed for hoping someone loses their job.
Adding insult to injury, that onslaught of orders we've had in the past few weeks, combined with reduced work hours has now put our manufacturing operations at least two weeks behind. This means customers are getting their boxers in a wad and Bossman is either going to have another heart attack or kill someone.
Yesterday I received the first paycheck reflecting two days docked. My stomach has been in knots since. I took the nail clippers to the pornstarrific nails. I can't justify spending $20 bucks to get them done. I'm trying to keep smiling, trying to have faith... but it's getting harder.
I've been taking advantage of the time off to work on online projects. One of these days something's going to just take off like mad, that's my hope anyway. Last night I reworked a few of my TwistedMare designs, including this:

I thought it was kinda cute.. in a bunny death kinda way.
Anywho, it's Humpday folks, so lets hump it carefree and with wild abandon.
Later Taters!
Didn't know you were writing here.
How fun! Hope bkfst settles in your tummy. I'm still working on a cuppa joe. Happy Humpday!
Sorry about breakfast, Mahala. I might have barfed when I opened that.
Hi Gemma :) I think you've got me mixed up with the "other" Mahala, but it's still nice to meet you :)
And Kenju.. luckily the bowl had a transparent lid and I saw what was going on before I opened it. It's now 1:00. I still haven't opened it. It's going to be gross.
we're all walking on eggshells that are wired to explode!
I'm having a hell of a time getting clients to pay within 4 months. Every day I'm calling somebody making a lame excuse as to why my payment is late, then I call a client and get a lame excuse.
One day at a time I guess and keep concentrating on the blessings.
Aw, so sorry about the oatmeal...sounds like you had it fixed up perfectly!!!
Perhaps I could add a link to Twisted Mare on my blog?? Don't know how much traffic that will get but every little bit helps! Let me know and I'll try it.
Blergh! I hate screwed up oatmeal! I know your pain love, I know it well. Just keep going, one step at a time, one day at a time.
My daughter loves oatmeal. Don't know what it is about that kid - I didn't raise her to like food that's good for her!
I've been taking containers of dry cereal and then buying the little carton of milk when I get to work. It would be good for me if I didn't put so much sugar on it!
dianne: That's exactly how I feel. Something has got to give.. it's like a big festering boil just begging to pop.
Significant Snail: I welcome any and all links to my shop! You might also want to look in to Cafepress' affiliate program. That way, if you link to Twistedmare using an affiliate code, you can make a commission from each sale.
inanna: We'll make it. It's just a rocky road.
betteJo: It's weird how our kids rebel isn't it?
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