Saturday, April 19, 2008

Coming to a Theater Near You

When we first meet our heroine, she's sitting on the sofa, a dog sleeping in her lap, as she switches channels on the television.

We see the pope giving mass while the voice of a newscaster reports that His Holiness has met with victims of the sexual abuse scandal. On another network we witness a taxi cab bursting in to flames in front of St. Patricks Cathedral in New York, where the pope will be visiting. They can find no evidence of foul play. They decide it's "just a vehicle fire."

Visibly disturbed by the story, our heroine aims the remote at her set, stopping when she sees a gathering of tearless, robotic women in matching prairie garb accusing the government of religious persecution. Their children have been removed under charges that the girls are being forced into marriage and childbirth when they've barely reached puberty. The blank stares of the women, the lack of any original thought, the inability to answer any question they've not rehearsed just adds to the creepiness of it all.

Have you ever felt you were IN the opening of a Revelations-esque movie about the impending end of society?

If you listen closely, you can just hear the hooves of four horses beating against the clouds of the darkening sky...


Anonymous said...

Now you stop that this minute Mahala!!! I don't wanna hear that armagedon talk!! LOL...
Yeah, seems a bit unreal at times - The Stepford Wives meet Little House on the Prairie and throw in a dash of Jimmie Jones, perversion and who knows what else. As for the Pope..well, I wouldn't want his job!! Or the President's..or any top figurehead for that matter. Hmmm.

Jeni said...

Gotta agree on one level - I sure wouldn't want to be Pope or President. But, considering all the abuse that has gone on for so many years -and been swept under the rug -and how many lies our officials have and continue to tell us, the Stepford Wives thing and separating children from parents arbitrarily -just so much that doesn't make good common sense in my opinion. Scary though, isn't it?

Rebecca said...

The end of the world will not be here until Paris Hilton can spell "class". Don't worry, we have years and years left, George.

Travel said...

Would it be an improvement if the world came to an end?

I wrote an article in law school about underage pregnancy and the crime that should be prosecuted when this happens. There are good reasons that sexual relations under the age of consent are felonies that should be seriously punished.


Mahala said...

It probably doesn't help that we just watched "I am legend" last weekend. The opening scene is Will Smith watching tapes of the pre-disaster newscasts. I snuck and watched "The Seventh Sign" again when the Amazon was at work too. She REFUSES to let me watch it when she's home lol.

Is it any wonder I'm a little off?

Anonymous said...

I think this pre-folgers thought process works for you!

Yes, to me, every day feels like the end of the world as we know it! Guess that means I'm officially old!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. True dat. I've told the Lord not to return until after I have my second child, so you have a few years at least.

I'm joking people. JOKING.

BetteJo said...

Ok now you're creeping me out!