As you can see, the fire wasn't really anywhere near the Asylum. I took these from the back door, with varying zooms, making Louise's fits of nearly passing out from smoke even more amusing. Later in the day, the blaze cranked back up and filled the whole holler with smoke, bringing the arrival of more helicopters, U.S.F.S. trucks and assorted bubbas bearing rakes, shovels and other fire fighting paraphernalia. Of course, by then I'd been home for lunch and left my camera at the trailer.
I have no future as a news photographer. Someday when I get brave, I'll show ya'll the stealthy pic I took of Craig Ferguson and his lady friend in Vegas, which will prove that any future I'd hoped for as a member of the paparazzi is just as ill-fated.
It's so bad, only I can tell it's him. Oh and the really funny part? I wasn't even taking a picture of the happy couple, they just happened to walk through the frame.
Anywho, I've got some stuff I need to do while the Amazon is at work. I'll be back later with tales of.. something.
Later Taters!
Wow! The Holler's really pretty - even filled with smoke.
I second Terri's comment. The Holler is a lot better looking than I thought it was in my head!
I saw your Craig tonight on C-SPAN as the entertainment for the WHite House Coorespondents Dinner. He was really funny. Did you know he's a citizen now? It was finalized 3 months ago, he said. He got on with President Bush really well.
I saw that too. He seemed a little nervous to me, but who wouldn't be, right?
The Late Late Show taped Fergburger's testing and swearing in ceremony when he received his citizenship. He seems really proud of it.
Craig mentions it on the show relatively frequently that he is a new citizen. Nice to see someone who acknowledges that in a really positive manner, ya know!
Your pictures of the helicopter with the smoke wafting about turned out quite well. So you're not up to par with getting great pics of celebrities, just need more opportunities on that aspect is all!
I've seen these hollers, live in one, myself, and they are beautiful.
I remember driving over the mountains going thataway once when a huge fire was burning and the interstate was socked in with dense fog that burned your throat. The fire was no where near the road, but the smoke hung so low.
My paparazzi attempt to snap Tommy Emmanuel's photo came out so blurred I have to swear to others it's him. And the thing is, he's quite happy to let you photograph him if you ask - he'll wait while you find someone to snap it so you can get in the pic with him. But I was too chicken to speak to him...drat.
Wow the Holler is beautiful! So scary to see all those gorgeous trees and then that smoke.
That was my thought too - the holler is very pretty!
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