Friday, October 19, 2007

David Copperfield, The FBI and TGIF

Before I dive in with the the news from Frog Pond Holler, can someone tell me what the crap is going on with David Copperfield? I don't watch the news in the mornings and I think I missed something. The internet is abuzz with stories about an FBI raid on Copperfield's Las Vegas warehouse, where they seized nearly $2 million in cash.

David Copperfield? Really? Who woulda thought?

No one seems to know what he's being investigated for, other than the agents themselves. If ya'll catch wind of what the samhill is going on, let me know kay?

Moving on...

There's a soft rain falling in the holler this morning. It's been so dry that you could walk across the river in places, a waterway normally full enough to accommodate rafts full of tourists and a few fishermen. Hopefully the change in weather will cool it off a little. The leaves that attract the color seekers each year have been turning brown and just drying up and blowing away.

Around the asylum...

I give up on trying to get along with Bubbles. In the past week she's insulted me to my face then laughed boisterously at her accomplishment, she's made idiotic comments towards Bossman and tried to drag me in to it with her and she's sat at her desk whispering to her mother-in-law about what a bad, evil sinner I am.

I guess I'm just not cut out to let things roll off my back. At one point I heard her make the comment, "I'm the better person, I'm just going to be myself."

Well so be it.

Bossman is at the other plant this morning, I hope he stays there for the remainder of the day. He's not high on my list of favorite people lately, like ya'll need me to tell you that.


Gotta hit the grindstone! We'll talk more later. Oh yeah.... and it's FRIDAY!!!


Anonymous said...

If I worked with Bubbles, I'd get me some frozen shrimp and tuck it in inconspicuous places in and around her workspace. Let the stink take over for a while before she figures it out. But that's just me. Obviously, I don't play the role of the better person.

Anonymous said...

I think Bubbles is confusing the word "better" with the word "smugger". In fact, "smugger than thou" might be a good description. Perhaps she needs to remember that gossiping is a sin...

Anonymous said...

I don't know exactly what's going on with David Copperfield either, but it sure surprised the heck out of me!

The story I read on MSNBC said something about "sexual misconduct" whatever the heck that means. And it didn't even happen here in the States!

Anonymous said...

I don't know exactly what's going on with David Copperfield either, but it sure surprised the heck out of me!

The story I read on MSNBC said something about "sexual misconduct" whatever the heck that means. And it didn't even happen here in the States!

BetteJo said...

David Copperfield - I read that a woman in Las Vegas in saying he raped her when they were in some place like the Bahamas or something. Some place tropical, can't remember. But what that has to do with his warehouse and cash I have NO idea!

Unknown said...

Ah Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles ....

If I were you, I would be *seriously* tempted to secretly download midget porn onto her work computer and make it her screen saver. Password protected of course.

Miz said...

Lol...I like Rose's idea!