Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wildlife Adventures and Dinner with Craig

The trash can overfloweth, both sinks are spilling over with dirty dishes, all the groceries that didn't have to be refrigerated are sitting in ugly, brown plastic bags all over the kitchen and Spooky's box is screaming for attention. Guess what I'll be doing today?

I didn't make it to the nail salon last night. By the time I got off work I had a screamer of a headache and I just didn't think I could do it. I'll call them later and see if they'll be open Monday, since I'll be off. I spent way too much money at the grocery store last night, but we were out of everything and I had the Amazon to help me carry it all in, so at least I won't have to worry about it for a while. The freezer is jam packed, there's something comforting about that.

I crammed a box of frozen lasagna in the oven while putting the food away, then fell asleep on the couch during the five minutes that it was sitting on top of the stove. I woke up to Craig Ferguson around one a.m., starving. I shuffled my stiff feet into the kitchen and found what was left of the lasagna and sat in my bathrobe, on the couch stuffing my face, just me, Craiggers and Stouffers.

Remember I mentioned I took some pictures of some deer from the office window? They didn't come out great, but I thought I'd share one anyway (click to enlarge):

You'll have to squint to see the two doe and two fawns. There are closer shots, but they're pretty blurry. We've seen alot of deer this year around town, the hunters are practically salivating waiting for deer season.

Lulu has been a nervous wreck with all the deer running around. She isn't particularly fond of wildlife.. or animals of any kind for that matter and seems to attract them like flies to roadkill. One time while she was taking her daily walk around the company property, she was followed by a fawn. When she rounded the building to the front parking lot, it broke into a run and chased her back inside. Most people, if approached by a cute little fuzzy spotted baby deer would stop and try to get closer, but not Lulu. She was in a tizzy the rest of the day. Birds seem to flock to her too. They will single out her vehicle in the parking lot and crap all over it, especially on the mirrors and she's been flogged by angry mama birds while trying to take out the trash. Her last two vehicles had big dents in them where she was hit, head-on by spazzed out deer.

Just the other day as she was returning from the tag office in her brand new Kia, she was crossing the first of two major mountain passes when she spotted a big ol' black bear rambling down the embankment towards her. It looked like it was coming from the dumpsters, then it realized it was nearing a road and tried to stop, digging it's feet into the dirt and turning sideways (it's really steep,) finally stopping so that it's face was lined up perfectly with Lulu's lowered passenger side window. She said she prayed thanks to God all the way home that it was able to stop and didn't crash into the car. Not because she had any feelings for the bear, but because she'd never be able to live it down if she had to ride around with a big bear-head-sized dent in her door.

Ya'll enjoy your weekend!

Later Taters :)


Anonymous said...

Wow. Lulu really does attract the critters, doesn't she? Can't say I blame her for being relieved that bear got stoppd, though. *g*

Travel said...

The little bear just wanted to be friendly. Birds, well we won't compare notes on birds in this house.


Melissa said...

Having once been chased by a squirrel and on another occasion by a cat, I'm a little sympathetic towards Lulu on this one.