Gawd almighty it's cold up in this office! I'm gonna need for someone to stop putting their grubby little fingers on that thermostat. If I'm cold, it's cold. I'm usually the one having a hot flash. I can't feel my toesies.
My cold seems alot better this morning. I think it's because I sort of over did the Nyquil last night. I snoozed off and on all evening, then slept all night. The chicken I fixed for dinner was slightly charred when I dozed off after putting it on the stove, but I covered it up with a can of cream of mushroom soup. Hey, it was edible... sort of.
I enjoyed watching Craig Ferguson interview Alan Alda this morning, he's one of my all time favorite actors. I don't remember watching M*A*S*H when it originally aired, but it came on every day in syndication right before the evening news. I remember this because dinner was always on the stove cooking at the same time that the theme song played. When I hear it now, I remember the sound of dishes clinking together and the smell of hot rolls. It's weird how certain sounds trigger other memories.
We never watched M*A*S*H when Ma was in the room, so I guess it makes sense that it was only on while she was cooking. She'd always want the channel changed if she came in and it was on, saying it reminded her of her baby brother and how he just wasn't the same after he came back from Vietnam. Uncle Tommy was the cause of a lot of hand wringing and worrying in our house. Ma had to bail him out of jail once or twice, nursed his wounds when when he got his ass kicked, showing up at our house with a bloody nose and blackened eyes at three a.m. Years later when I was pregnant with the Amazon, Uncle Tommy was found on his house boat down at Ocean View with a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. I was watching "Little House on the Prairie" when I got the phone call.
I don't watch that show anymore either.
It's weird what triggers memories.
My office moved into a new bldg. last week and it's freezing in here.
Every time I hear the cover of Sting's "Every breath you take" by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans, I think of my Mom. When I hear Sting sing it, it reminds me of the day I brought my son home from the hospital after he was born. It is weird how songs can trigger good and bad memories.
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