Monday, October 09, 2006

My Dreams aren't Always Puppies and Butterflies..

I originally had written a long rambling post about the eternal suckiness of MySpace, but I decided that my post out-sucked the actual topic by leaps and bounds, so I deleted it.

Now, totally unprepared with a suitable topic for your reading pleasure, you're forced to deal with this:

For two nights in a row I've had really weird dreams. Yes, that's right. It's the weirdo blogger and her psychotic nighttime journeys into mental absurdity. Sorry, but it's all I've got.

Saturday night I dreamed that I was stuck at an airport in Canada. I was trying to get to Massachusetts by way of Quebec from North Carolina and I'd missed my flight out of Canada. Okay, I know this is totally unreasonable, but not if you've ever gotten cheap tickets from Believe me, it could happen.

So I was sitting there, some Canadian dude nattering at me in French because I'd fallen asleep and missed my flight. I don't know why I was so hell bent on getting to Massachusetts, but it seems like I was really upset. I was yelling and demanding that he sort it out (because for some reason I thought it was totally his fault,) and that he find me another flight. There was a certain time I had to be there and I was adamant that I not miss whatever the hell I was so determined to get there for.

And, that was pretty much it. I have no idea if I ever got there or not, or why I was going.

Last night I had another weird one. No wait, this was beyond weird. I should warn you, it's a little disturbing and if my offspring (Amazon) is reading this (and you know she will) she may want to stop reading now.

No really, move along.

There was this attractive man, a little scruffy but clean in tight pants and... well I don't remember the rest, just that he had really tight pants. He was tied.. ya know, spread eagle.. on this... thing. He was fully clothed and oddly, really didn't seem to mind being in his current um... position. And he had fangs.

No really, they were fangs.

There was some growling involved. And um.. copious amounts of body hair. Sort of a combination vampire, werewolf and erm.. warthog or someshit. Hell I don't know. I can't really tell you what he told me to do, but I can tell you that there was a marked increase in the growling during the process.

Yeah. I think I'll be hitting the Nyquil before bed tonight.


Me said...

Oh my gosh... I dreamt (sp?) about the airport too! I don't remember most of mine, but I know one of the security guards (dressed in a brown uniform) was questioning me about something I had and if it was allowed through security. I know he was satisfied and left, but that is all I remember.

Cool we both were dreamin' of airports though.

Laura said...

(sound of Nyquil bottles clinking together) To dreams about growly men in tight pants ... cheers!

Anonymous said...

I envy you that you sleep enough to dream. I've got nothing to share because first I'd have to drop off. Perhaps the Nyquil coctail? Hadn't thought of that!

Loner said...

Good gravy woman - you dreamed of the wild thing with WOLVERINE? Oh wait, me too.

Anonymous said...

I used to have fun dreams like those. I want them back!!! Whine, whine, whine. *g*

Anonymous said...

Sounds like pent up frustration to me. If you find the wolf man, there is this little festival in Chicago each spring that he woule be very popular at, but that is a verry lonng storry!


Uccellina said...

I had zombie dreams. They were horrible. I was freaked out all day. I'll take airports and bound werewolves over zombies anytime.