Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm Alive.. If you can call it that

Last Thursday night, I set the DVR as I always do, to record The Late Late Show. It's a little complicated for my feeble mind, having to remember to set the date ahead, since it comes on after midnight. But somehow I managed. Friday morning I got up, made my coffee, got comfy and turned the television on.


Crap. It took me a while to figure out what I'd done. I didn't go to bed until after midnight, therefore by setting the date ahead to the next, I'd programmed it for Friday night by mistake.

Friday night I was prepared. I stayed up to watch Craig Ferguson and recorded it to. After the monologue and one Barney Slash skit a storm rolled in and blocked my satellite signal.

I'm getting a little frustrated with modern technology.

The weekend was spent around the house. I actually got alot done for a change. Ma and I had our monthly argument about money. She swears I have a stash somewhere that I'm hiding from her. We have this argument regularly in between the ones where she swears my Grandmother left me a bunch of money/land that I'm not telling her about.

Yeah, that's right. I just want to ride around in the hippy van with the "door is ajar" bell going off constantly, the expired inspection sticker and the door that I fear is going to fly open at any moment. I've got loads of cash just lying around.


I made a bowl of tuna salad Saturday afternoon, then let Ma know it was in there if she wanted any. I was trying to be nice, which always ends up biting me in the ass butt. She eventually did fix herself a sandwich, then proceeded to hurl her guts out for the remainder of the evening, accusing me of using canned cat food to make it to get back at her for the argument.

I've been washing dogs, spreading Sevin dust, cleaning up puke and trying not to barf myself.

I'm feeling a little bit stressed. Let's hope I can manage to operate the DVR tonight so that I can drool over Craig Ferguson in the morning.

A girl's gotta have something.

Later Taters


Anonymous said...

Some weekends just should get a do-over. Drag that dvr and the tv closer tonight.

Laura said...

how did it go ... did you have Craig & coffee this morning?

Laura said...

'meant to tell you ... I watched Saving Grace; LOVED it!

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Rest, oggle and relax.


kenju said...

Sorry. Hope the rest of the week goes better.

Miz said...

Did the Kudzu Monkey carry you off into the night?

Anonymous said...

okay, now i am beyond missing you. now i just need to know if you are alive?

Anonymous said...

We are concerned....especially with the Wendel thing going on.