Saturday, October 07, 2006

Here in my Deep Purple Dreams

Fall by the River The Amazon and I went on a little adventure this morning and took some pictures, but I'll tell you about that later. You can see more on Flickr (just click the photo to get there.)

Yesterday morning I snuck out of the office and walked out around the plant for a minute or two, trying to clear my head and get ready for the day. I stopped and looked at the mist covered mountains and heard the words, "when the deep purple falls."

I stopped and thought, I know that from somewhere.

"when the deep purple falls,
over sleepy garden walls.."

I knew it was a song but I couldn't remember where I'd heard it before. It wasn't playing on a radio or anything, I was standing in the parking lot away from everything. It was playing in the confines of my own head, but I could hear it as if there were a speaker right beside me.

"and the stars begin to twinkle,
in the sky.."

I got a little spooked out there by myself, so I went inside. I called Lulu and told her what was going on. As I began explaining to her, the memories grew clearer. That song was on the first album I ever got. I mean, the first "grown up" record that didn't feature Winnie the Pooh or Mister Rogers. It was a duet by Donny and Marie Osmond (it pains me to admit that.)

Now, I can't swear that it didn't play on the radio in the middle of the night. The station does play the occasional "oldie" but they aren't usually THAT old.

"In the mist of a memory you wander back to me,
breathing my name with a sigh.."

It has been stuck in my head ever since. It will NOT go away. I went to Limewire and downloaded it (I was amazed it was there) thinking that if I played it, I could get it out of my head. I swear that was the first time I'd heard that song since I was a little girl.

It makes me think of those off-beat horror movies where the serial killer has some old song playing in the background as he hacks someone to pieces.



Laura said...

I used to sing kid church songs to myself when I had to take the garbage out to the alley in the middle of the night but had the same feeling. Never mind that I'd never seen a horror film. Some things are just plain creepy. I'll send you a song to knock that one out. ;)

kenju said...

Ha! I remember it from the 40's, not the Donny and Marie version. It is one of my favorite songs, and I suspect there is a message in those lyrics, if you but study them.

Mahala said...

I have studied them Kenju.. I googled the complete lyrics, found out when it was originally written, racked my brain about the meaning of "deep purple" falling and "sleepy garden walls." Whether it pertains to a time of day or a time of year. I've over analyzed the hell out of it lol.

I am open to your interpretation.