Sunday, March 04, 2012

Of Babies and Birthmothers

A few days ago, while making my daily post office stop after work, I received a letter from the Tennessee Department of Children's Services in Nashville. I was confused at first, then it dawned on me, like a brick to the forehead, what it had to be about. I hopped in my truck and drove nervously back to the trailer, pulled in the driveway and turned off the engine. I ripped the envelope open, removed the letter and with trembling hands, began reading...

If you've been reading my ramblings since the beginning, then you know the story about how I lived (briefly) with an ex-convict, fresh from prison, in a trailer park back in Chesapeake, Va. You'd know how we eventually ended up living in a car, a Volkswagon even, for a few months, how I'd sent The Amazon to live with Ma in Richmond at my Aunt Martha's house (she said there was no room for me, seeing how I was the bad seed and all) and how I had to trick him in to dropping me off at a friend's house to visit, when I was actually meeting Ma for a ride back to Richmond and a bus ticket to go live with my best friend Lyn in a pretty log house on the outskirts of Chattanooga.

If you didn't know all that, you just got the Readers Digest Condensed version.

What I never told you was, when I got to Chattanooga, I confirmed what I had already suspected with a visit to the Hamilton County health department.

I was pregnant.

I was 23, my four year old was living with relatives because I couldn't provide her with  even a roof over her head, by boyfriend, who by now had realized I was gone and was making threatening phone calls to everyone we knew, trying to find out where I was, was a crackhead and when I'd told my family I was pregnant four years earlier, I'd been called every version of slut ho-bag known in the English language and had faced multiple attempts to be made to have an abortion.

The thoughts of admitting I had been stupid enough to get pregnant again terrified me the most.

So I stayed in Chattanooga, I worked for Handy Andy Pantries, then got fired when I started showing and went to work on third shift at Dunkin' Donuts. That's how I ended up dating David, the K9 cop, who had a kinky fetish for pregnant women.. and girls who were only two years older than his son.


I took young and stupid to astronomical new levels.

Because everything happens for a reason, I had a hard time finding an OB-GYN that took Medicaid and ended up having to drive over to the next county for doctors visits. The doctor was older, with a kind face, the most non judgmental Christian I'd ever met and when I told him I was considering giving the baby up for adoption, he revealed that he just happened to go to church with a couple who desperately wanted a baby.

Say what you want, to this day I know he was sent to me.

Details were exchanged, a lawyer was hired, LOTS of papers were filled out, no money changed hands. I never met the couple, I didn't want to.

When the time came and I had to go to the hospital for a C-section, no family, no boyfriend, just Lyn and her irrational fear of hospitals, I've never felt more alone in the world. I remember waiting for the anesthesiologist to give me my spinal and breaking out in a case of the shakes that put the DTs to shame. They made me lay under heated blankets for a long time until it stopped. I reckon it was my first taste of panic attack.

When they took her from my belly and I heard her cry, tears rolled down my cheeks and the doctor told them to knock me out.

I woke up with the good doctor holding my hand and very calmly telling me how she was strong and healthy. Later that day he came in and asked me if I wanted to see her. He told me that she was still mine, I could see her anytime I wanted. I hadn't signed anything yet.

And so I did. Lyn came to visit and she sat with me as I held my baby girl. Lyn held her some too and shared the tears.

October has been a hard month for me since.

Anyways, I did give her up, but I made sure the attorney always knew how to contact me. Her parents sent me gifts in the hospital and later, sent me pictures, through him.

So the other day, I sat in the truck in the driveway and I read the letter, called the number, verified who I was and listened to the social worker explain that the daughter I'd placed for adoption was now 22 and wanted to contact me.

I turned into a blubbering idiot... and of course I told her I wanted to see her.

Now I wait for more forms to arrive, this time to outline my conditions for contact and Lord knows what else. She said there were six pages.

A part of me is scared, but another part.. a much bigger part.. feels like I'm finally putting a big, ugly part of my life to rest.

And I can't wait.

Later Taters!

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rennratt said...

I am crying tears of joy for you and your baby girl. What a wonderful gift.

I am also crying because your doctor was 'the most non-judgemental Christian' you've ever met. That should be the rule, not the exception.

I can't imagine how terrified and alone you must have felt. I'm really glad that she wants to meet you; I pray it's the beginning of a wonderful relationship.

Hugs and love to you and yours.

Celia said...

Bless you and your girl. I hope you have friends to hold your hand as you you do this, and that it's joyful for both of you.

Anonymous said...

Rennratt & Celia said it all...

Significant Snail said...

Oh wow! Yeah, things really do happen for a reason. What a lot you have carried over the years, though! It's wonderful that you have the opportunity to come full circle on this issue. You must be so nervous and excited!

Lisa said...

It took a great amount of love and courage to do what you did. I have read quite a few stories lately about people surviving great emotional (and other) trauma in their lives. I don't know how people do it, really, but I guess you learn to get through it because you're there and you have to. I hope your meeting with your daughter is wonderful. Good luck to you!

BetteJo said...

Oh Mahala, if you've written about this before I didn't see it. You are awesome to have given her up - such a hard thing to go through but totally loving on your part. I am so happy that you are going to get to meet her. I hope it is fabulous and you begin a wonderful relationship!

kenju said...

Being an adopted child who was contacted by her birth mother, I am crying for you (and her) right now. I know (I pray) it will be a good experience for you and her. If she only gets a medical history out of it, it will be important. I surely hope it works out well for you and I can't wait to hear all about it.

kenju said...

And I second what Renn said about the doctor. He was a miracle!

Muffy's Marks said...

Chills are running down my arms. There's a plan and you are lucky to have part of it revealed to you. I am so happy that you will finally get to meet the daughter who was once under your heart, and has been in your heart for all these years. How scary and exciting all at the same time. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

How sad that you had to go through that alone when you were so young. I'm with BetteJo, hope the meeting is the start of a wonderful new relationship for you both.

b.fez said...

I'm so glad she contacted you Mahala. I bet she will be glad too when she finds out what a cool, funny, and creative birth mom she has. Best wishes for a wonderful relationship. :)

tiff said...


Love you, and this. Life is sometimes very exciting.

Biff Spiffy said...

Wow, big news! May it go well for both of you!

Life is often messy, always has been. My dad was the reason my grandparents got married. I found out at 18 that I had an older brother and sister. I've met my brother - twice. Never met the sister.

Hope your new relationship turns into something sweet and lasting.