Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This Little Piggy Went Wee Wee Wee!!

It's barely 8:30 and I've already mouthed off at Bossholio. Oh, it's going to be a good day. I can feel it.

When I'm trying to be helpful by assisting you in correcting your error, it's probably not a good idea to blatantly ignore me, actually turning your head while I'm in mid sentence and starting a conversation with someone else.

I just might get pissed off.


So far we've harvested some radishes, some salad greens and two HUGE zucchini from the garden. I've got little, tiny green beans and cucumbers starting to grow, with two rows of carrots starting to get pretty tall.


Sorry. Give me a moment to contain myself......

There are still more weeds than veggies, but I've already figured out a few changes for next year. Live and learn.

I whipped up another batch of laundry detergent this weekend. It takes like.. a minute and it's way cheap.

Homemade Laundry Soap (Powdered)

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 bar of soap (grated)

Mix it up. Add 2 tablespoons per normal wash. That's it! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. There are specific brands of bar soap made just for washing clothes, but they're made from pig fat and aside from the poor piggies giving their lives for my laundry, I'm kinda grossed out by the idea of wearing delicate underthings that have been soaking in pork grease, so I use Ivory soap.

There is another recipe that makes five gallon buckets of liquid that involves cooking the grated bar soap in water and mixing, etc. that ends up being WAY cheaper, but I don't have that kind of time to invest, nor do I have anywhere to store ginormous buckets of liquid.

With all my critters, that's just asking for disaster.

Between the homemade laundry detergent, the new front-porch-clotheline, my gardening adventures and newly formed courage while communing with nature, Lulu has been tossing the "H" word around a lot. We laugh about it, I don't mind. Lulu's been at war with her organic gardener neighbors since I've known her and she threatens that as long as I don't start acting like them, we're still okay.

As for now, I reckon I should get to work. I need to get as much done as I can because I may have to slap Bossholio around later and if that happens, he'll probably have to leave early to keep from embarrassing himself by crying in front of all the menfolk.

Ya'll have an awesome Humpday. We can do this.

Later Taters!

Kobo wifi eReader


tiff said...

the homemade laundry detergent totally puts you in the big H territory.


Mahala said...

For the record, I also use vinegar as a softener. It doesn't smell like Downy (or anything at all) but it works and it's OMG cheap lol.

kenju said...

I'm impressed!!

Vinegar works on hair too - so I've been told. I hate the smell.

Mahala said...

Okay, now I'm gonna have to try vinegar on my hair. If people start calling me my head smells spring time fresh, I'm blaming ya'll lol.

Mahala said...

Not calling me, telling me. Need. More. Coffee.

Anonymous said...

You are really starting to sound like one of those Mother Earth types...I just don't have the energy to even think about making my own laundry detergent. And the garden, just forget that at my house. You rock girl.

BetteJo said...

H word? Am I the only one who doesn't know? Or am I just too tired to think ..