Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Invading Canada and Fort Knox

Rain clouds are rolling in over the holler today, bringing cooler temperatures... which is a good thing because there's still no ac here at the Asylum. I worked up a substantial amount of under boob sweat yesterday with what has been dubbed "Operation Canadian Invasion."

The letters I sent out went a little like this:

"Dear Canada,

Down here in the states, everything has pretty much gone to hell in a hand basket. No one's spending any money because our government has scared the bejeebus out of us all and we're already scouting locations for the impending soup lines. Could you please buy your *insert general product we make here* from us? I can't afford to keep workin' part time.


Sales Ninja

P.S. If you'd like, I can send you pictures of nekkid hillbilly women milking goats... or something. We're getting desperate."

Okay so.. maybe that's not exactly what it said, but it's what I wanted to write.

Moving on...

Ever since the Wendel drama last October, we keep the front door locked up like Fort Knox here at the office. There's a secret code, known by everyone in town, that you have to punch in to get through the door. Usually, when we arrive, there will be two or three pulling up in the parking lot at the same time and whoever goes in first will just leave the door unlocked.

This morning, Bubbles and I got here at the same time. I took my time getting my crap together to carry in, letting her go in first. When I got to the lobby, about six steps behind her, she'd locked the door. I huffed a little.. recalling all the times she's called me rude.. and punched in the code.

Nothing happened.

I tried again.. nothing. Eventually, Lulu and Thelma came in. Apparently the batteries died in the lock yesterday... a tidbit everyone seemed to know but me. We had to call Bossman to come let us in.

I was so tempted to just go get back in the truck and go back home.


It's humpday ya'll. Hump it like you just don't care!

Later Taters.


Dianne said...

I want to write letters to Canada asking them to take me in!

Traci Dolan said...

I think you send it~ Hey, what can it hurt now?

tiff said...

Bubbles is a home-grown beeyotch, ain't she??