Sunday, December 30, 2007

The New Year is Looking Up

Listening to the sound of a soft rain, tinkling down on our metal roof on a lazy Sunday afternoon, finding peace in the knowledge that tomorrow is Monday and I STILL don't have to go back to work for two more days is an incredible feeling.

I have to leave in a half hour to go pick the Amazon up from work. She didn't drive because the hippy van has a flat tire, but it's okay. You see, today is her last day, so she won't be needing a vehicle to get back and forth.

Don't freak out.

She starts her new job tomorrow, making .35 an hour more and all the hours she's willing to work up to forty. It's not CEO, but it's better than minimum wage on one shift a week and you can almost spit on it from our front door.

No vehicle needed.

Prayer #1: answered

The position I applied for a few weeks ago hasn't been filled, according to Aunt Moses, who has her finger upon the pulse of Frog Pond Holler. I'll be giving them a call on Wednesday to inquire about the position. All hope is not lost.

I'm scratching the idea to write articles for money. I poured my heart into four but none of them have been picked up. I can see how you could make a bit of income on Helium, but you'd have to write ALOT. By the time I come home from the Asylum, my brain is so fried, I do good to slap some chicken tattas on the George Foreman grill without doing harm to myself or others.

Anywho, I'd better get going. I need to do all that housework I've not done in the past week that I've been lounging around watching the boob tube.

We'll talk soon!

Later Taters.


Anonymous said...

AND your beloved Craig Ferguson will soon be back on the air with new episodes because David Letterman's production company, Worldwide Pants (which produces Craig's show) cut their own deal with the WGA. :)

Travel said...

Great news for you and your daughter. The local job is likely to just be working it's way through the buracracy, government works in weird and very slow ways.

Happy New Years!


Dianne said...

I've put some stuff up on Helium but got frustrated by the overwhelming navigation that is required and by the fact that one paragraph articles full of typos and bad grammar were always being rated #1.

I'm still looking for other outlets - if I find anything I'll let you know.

Happy New Year Mahala.

Jeni said...

You can try Associated Content but I think there it is a lot like Helium in that you have to write tons and tons -plus send oodles of readers over as well -in order to collect a couple pennies -much like many say about the payout for Adsense Google stuff, ya know.
Glad to hear the Amazon got a job, more hours, better pay and best of all, no loss of net income due to travel expenses! The latter, with fuel costs along, is a mega bonus in my book!
Still have my fingers (and toes) crossed that the govt. job will come through for you, kiddo! Hang tough!
Peace. (Oh, and have a Happy New Year -especially with Jolene!)

Lisa said...

Happy New Year to you! :) Hope 2008 is just grand for you.