Friday, September 21, 2007

Devil Worship in the Workplace

Ya'll have no idea how many times I've tried to sit down and talk to ya'll today. These people around here expect me to like... work and stuff.

The nerve.

It almost makes me feel guilty that I don't have anything earth-shatteringly profound to say.

Let's see, where to begin? I've gotten some emails asking how Sammy's doing, I guess I sorta did kinda leave ya'll in a lurch. Sorry. Sammy's doing okie fine although he's still walking into furniture with his big conehead. They took the icky-nasty-gross-disgusting-leaking drains out of his sides at the vet's Wednesday, but opted to leave the lampshade on his head until the stitches come out next week. I was a little bothered by the fact that they didn't close the holes the drainage tubes left, but they finally seem to be scabbing over. That poor mutt is in for such a bath when this is all over.

I took the car back up to Cletus' garage at lunch today to pick up my newly plugged tire. Poor little Festus, Cletus' gopher guy stood there holding the tire and asked, "Oh.. do ya want me to put it on for ye?"

"If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it." Like I'm gonna stand there at the garage and change my own tire.

Ma has located a junk yard replacement for the door on the hippy van which she plans to buy when she gets her check next month. She refuses to let the poor thing die.

I don't have anything major planned for the weekend. I do have a hag hair situation that demands some attention, but I've got a box under the bathroom sink to fix that. Oh and then there is that mystery odor in the house. I thought it was the litter box, but I was wrong. Something needs to either be changed, carried out or shot. The car is going to get a thorough cleaning at some point too, it smells of greasy man. You know, that masculine aroma of axle grease, aftershave, chewing tobacco and fast food.

I don't even want to know what Cletus was doin' up in there while he had it in his shop.

Oh by the way, some of ya'll may have noticed the new Blogrush widget in my sidebar. I learned about it through Darren Rowse at He's always got all sorts of cool tips and advice on getting the most from your blog. Even if you're not interested in making money you can get some good tips on increasing traffic or the latest new doohickey. Anyway, Blogrush is a new service that shows links to your blog posts in the widgets on other blogs, depending on the number of page views you get. Wait.. their video explains it much better than I can. I'm confusing myself trying to put it in to words. You can check it out for yourself if you're curious by clicking on the widget in the right sidebar or by clicking here. There's been some chatter around the net that it's a pyramid scheme, I don't know. If it is the next big thing, getting in before it takes off and becomes huge might be a good idea. Who knows.. we'll see.

I'd better run. I think I'm going to play some Metallica so Bubbles can run across the hall and call an emergency prayer meeting. She actually told a customer yesterday that she was sorry that she had to transfer him to me (it was my territory) because I was listening to "debbil wership music."

It was Fleetwood Mac.

Later Taters!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I needed this. Glad to hear Sammy is doing better, the car is doing better, Cletus is being more like Cletus, you are going to try to wash out the man smell and your hair will be wonderful by Monday. I looked at a tuft of facial hair in the mirror on the way home and grabbed the clippers, the gray ones really show up when they are long.


Unknown said...

Poor Sammy; is there anything that offends a dog more than having a cone on his head? I think not!

Fleetwood Mac is debil music, I had no idea! ROFL I love Bubbles. She is the type that would provide me with hours and hours of spiteful entertainment.

Does this make me a bad person?

lisa q. said...

great post mahala! made me smile and i needed that today! love the pics of your critters...hope sammy gets his lampshade off soon...and who the hell knew fleetwood mac was debil music! that is too funny! :D

Mahala said...

DG: I don't usually realize just how old the grays make me look (and feel) until I get rid of them.

honeysuckle rose: The poor dog keeps looking at me like "what did I do?"

As for Bubbles, if you knew her you'd realize that she deserves every bit of entertainment she provides. She has a cruel mean streak and a forked tongue which she keeps hidden behind her "good little girl" facade, all while she keeps thumping that Bible.

One of these days I'm going to let her have it lol.

lisa: thanks! I read your posts regularly, but I don't comment often. Sometimes you say just exactly what I need to hear that day :)

poopie said...

Poor poor Sammy the conehead! Next time you wanna send Bubbles screaming try some AC/DC. That's some REAL devil wership ;)

tiff said...

Your Bubbles sounds like far too many "good Christian" women.

She should be trying to SAVE your devil-music listening azz, you know? ;)