Thursday, October 12, 2006

When We're Left Unsupervised (and a little Craig Ferguson)

From the Cubicle Assylum:

When the few of us who showed up for work this morning arrived and determined that there was little or no management on site, the following converstation took place:

Preacher's Wife: "Well dang Mahala, if we'd known we were going to be unsupervised all morning, we could have had a party!"

Me: "It's not too late, we can send someone to town for supplies. Will there be alcohol involved? For some reason I think this job would make more sense to me if I had a good buzz going."

Preacher's Wife: "Now if there's gonna be drinkin', it's gonna have to be BYOB. Did you bring anything in that thermos of yours?"

Me: "Ummmm.. Just Folgers. But it's spiked with store brand powdered creamer, does that count?"

Preacher's Wife: "Girl, you're gonna have to do better than that. Ain't nobody getting loose on Folgers!"

Me: "LOOSE? Hell I ain't been loose in years. Screw the alcohol, I'm gonna need some WD-40."

Okay, so maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" kind of things. It seemed hillarious at eight o'clock this morning.

I've been listening to "Jack FM" at work lately. "Jill FM" suddenly stopped the web feed. I like Jack better anyway. Where else can you hear Tom Jones singing "It's Not Unusual" one minute, the theme from "The Jeffersons" the next, followed by a little Def Leppard? Ya'll know I love me some Def Leppard. I'll bet they heard me and Lulu singing along to "Movin' on Up" all the way down in town.

And I'll bet they were skeered.

I know some of ya'll think I bring up Craig Ferguson too often in my posts (I do read your emails, I just suck at answering them) but if you get a chance, check out The Late Late Show tomorrow night. Michael Caine is scheduled to appear. I'm all a' twitter with anticipation.

Now, I have to scurry off to the ladies room for stain removal. I've somehow managed to get a black ink mark on my yellow shirt and it's in a particularly bodacious area. It's only a matter of time before Festus shows up and makes some gross comment and I have to bean him upside the noggin with my stapler. He's already been up here sniffin' around.



Karen Townsend said...

Ah, Michael Caine. There's a good image.

Me said...

Thanks (not) for the visual as well as the brain-feed of 'Carlton' (Will Smith's rich cousin on the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire) doing the Tom Jones "It's not usual" dance.

Yeah... I owe you for this one as it's now STUCK in my ever lovin' brain.

Mahala said...

karen: Ain't it though?

meritt: HA!! Is that not THE BEST dance performance EVER??? I loved when he did that.

Anonymous said...

meritt: My roomie does that dance for me every year on on my birthday.

I love it SO MUCH.

Melissa said...

You get Jack on the radio too? My Jack is located "in a dumpy little building in beautiful downtown Culver City". Where is your Jack?

Mahala said...

melissa: Same Jack!!! I listen to the web feed on the computer at work.

Laura said...

And where do the rest of us find this Jack?

Mahala said...

here ya go
Just click on "listen now" in the upper right hand corner :)